
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


ZOZO(m) - nascut/born: 24.08.2012; deparazitat/dewormed;
in proces de educare la litiera/ in litter box training 

(EN below) Zozo sau Zozolin, cum i se mai spune, este cel mai lipicios si iubaret motanel dintre cei 4 frati alpinisti. Desi ii place sa se joace cu ei, prefera de departe sa stea in brate si sa fie mangaiat si alintat. Toarce cum e atins si daca este tinut langa fata incepe sa pupe si sa se frece de barbie in semn de iubire.
Zozo aka Zozolin is the most loving and cuddly of the 4 little rock climbers. Even though he loves to play and run around with his brothers, he clearly prefers to be cuddled, held and caressed. He purrs loudly and if held close to the face he starts kissing and rubbing against the owners chin as a sign of love.
Povestea celor 4 alpinisti aici: | Here you can find the story of the 4 little rock climbers: 

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