
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


AMADEUS(m) - nascut/born: ~15.08.2012; deparazitat/dewormed; educat la litiera/ litter box trained

AMADEUS este cel mai iubitor si jucaus pisoi din cati am gasit in ultimul timp.
Statea in parcultetul din fata conservatorului si isi facea de lucru cu niste frunze, l-a chemat o domnisoara la ea si s-a dus fara niciun fel de teama, vesel ca a fost bagat in seama. Este un pisoi obisnuit in casa si cu oamenii si foarte increzator, ceea ce ne face sa credem ca a fost curand parasit. Amadeus are nevoie de o familie, care sa il iubeasca si sa il rasfete pentru tot restul vietii lui. Nu merita sa isi piarda increderea in oameni!

AMADEUS is the most loving and playful kitten we found lately. He was playing by himself in the yard in front of the conservatory, a girl called him and he immediately came to be caressed, with absolutely no fear and very happy to be receiving some attention. He is house trained and used to being around people, which makes us think he used to live in a house and was recently abandoned. Amadeus needs a real family, that will love and pamper him for the rest of his life. Please don’t make him lose his trust in people!

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