
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


KALINDI (f), nascut/born ~ 28.09.2012, deparazitata, invatata la litiera/ dewormed, litter box trained
(EN below) Kalindi este un pufulet de dragalasenie. E micuta, grasuta si foarte catifelata. E iubitoare si foarte jucausa, ca orice pui de varsta ei, dar noi stim ca va creste sa devina o frumusete de pisica.

A fost luata din strada alaturi de mama ei si ceilalti frati cand avea doar 2 zile. Acum a crescut sanatoasa si s-a facut voinica si plina de viata. Nu ii mai trebuie decat o familie care sa o iubeasca si sa o ingrijeasca pentru tot restul vietii ei.
Kalindi is a fluff of loveliness. She is small, fat, very fluffy, loving and very energetic and playful, like any kitten her age. But we know she will grow into a beautiful lady. She was saved from the streets when she was only 2 days old, we took her in together with her mom and siblings. Now she has grown and is healthy and full of life. She only needs a family to love her and take care of her for the rest of her life.

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