
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


PEPITO (m), nascut/ born 06.2012
deparazitat, educat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN below) PEPITO este un motan foarte bland si afectuos, iute torcator la mangaiere si jucaus atunci cand primeste atentie. Este un motan echilibrat si cuminte, care imbina intuitiv alintul cu sesiunile de joaca, dar caruia ii place si sa aiba timp numai pentru el, pentru a medita la cele pisicesti.
Desi a fost salvat dintr-un soi de ghena, aflata la subsolul unei case parasite, imediat ce a ajuns in apartament ne-a aratat ca este un motan educat, care stie sa foloseasca litiera ca si cum ar fi facut-o dintotdeauna.
PEPITO is a very gentle and affectionate tomcat, who immediately starts purring when caressed and enjoys playing when he receives the much-wanted attention. He is well-behaved and well-balanced, instinctively finding the perfect blend between cuddling and playing, while equally enjoying his alone-time, when he muses on “the catly businesses”.
Although, he was saved from some sort of a garbage chute, located in the basement of an abandoned house, as soon as he was brought in the apartment, he showed as what an educated tomcat he is and how he knows to use the litter box as if he’s always used one.

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