
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


JABBA (f), nascuta/born: 2007-2008, deparazitata/dewormed, sterilizata/spayed, educata la litiera/litter box trained
[EN below] JABBA a fost abandonata in parcul IOR, intr-un cos inchis, impreuna cu o punga cu mancare si 2 castroane. Este o pisica birmaneza in varsta de aprox. 5-6 ani si o greutate de 8 kg... Jabba este obeza, avea blana complet incalcita, urat mirositoare si murdara si nici nu vrem sa ne gandim in ce conditii a trait pana acum. Avea si o infectie urinara, care i-a cauzat o incontinenta urinara, motiv pentru care a facut si o iritatie foarte urata. Jabba a fost internata pentru cateva zile la Vet Medical Consulting unde a fost consultata, tunsa, tratata si a facut un set de analize. In afara de colesterolul crescut, explicat prin greutatea ei si o alimentatie, cu siguranta nepotrivita, analizele au iesit bine. Acum ea se afla in cazare temporara si se dovedeste a fi o pisica extreeem de blanda si cuminte. Va mai ramane o scurta perioada la noi pentru a fi observat, urmand apoi sa fie oferita spre adoptie unei FAMILII RESPONSABILE.
JABBA was abandoned in a park, in a closed carrier, together with a bag of food and two bowls. She is a 5-6 years old birmanese cat that wheights 8kg... Jabba is obese, her fur was full of knots, dirty and smelly, and we don't even want to think of the life this cat had until now. She also had a pretty nasty urinary infection that caused her an urinary incontinence. She stayed for a few days at VetMedcial Consulting, where she was checked-up, groomed, treated and she received a set of blood tests, to be sure that she doesn't have other health issues. Except the high colesterol, explained by her weight and not a proper diet, blood sets are fine. Jabba is now in foster care and she proves to be an exteremly sociable and good cat. She will be offered for adoption soon to a RESPONSIBLE FAMILY.

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