
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


ACE (m), nascut/born ~ 10.2012, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
Ace este un motanel extrem de tandru si afectuos, care a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a fost gasit in zapada, in fata unui bloc, intr-o zona cu foarte multi catei. Ace este foarte sociabil si torcacios, dar si foarte jucaus, ca orice pui de varsta lui. Adoptia lui a fost putin intarziata datorita unor investigatii medicale legate de niste probleme pe care Ace parea sa le aiba la labele din spate. Diagnosticul medicilor este: disfunctie cerebeloasa minora, problema care se va remedia in proportie de 80-90% in urma administrarii unui tratament de 30 de zile. Practic, Ace este un motanel absolut normal cu exceptia unor probleme minore de coordonare: nu poate sari foarte sus sau la mare distanta. Problema nu se va agrava, ci din contra, si nici nu ii va afecta in vreun fel viata. Familia care il va adopta va trebui sa continue sa ii administreze tratamentul pana la indeplinirea celor 30 zile. Pastilele le vom furniza noi, iar acestea se administreaza cu usurinta.
Ace is a very loving and affectionate tomcat that arrived in our care after being found in the snow in front of a building, in an area full of dogs. Ace is very sociable and purring and also very playful, like any kittne his age. His adoption was slightly delayed due to some medical investigations related to some problems that Ace seemed to have at his hind legs. The diagnosis is: minor cerebellar dysfunction, a problem that will be solved in a proportion of 80-90% following the administration of a 30 day treatment. Basically, Ace is a completely normal tomcat, except for minor problems of coordination: can not jump very high or far away. The problem will not worsen and will not affect his life in any way. The family who will adopt them will have to continue to administer the rest of the treatment (we will provide the pills).

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