
Wednesday, October 1, 2014


HETFIELD ( M), nascut/born ~01.08.2014, deparazitat, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
HETFIELD, poreclit motanelul cantaret, deoarece in momentul cand a fost gasit isi exersa calitatile vocale mieunand de zor in gradina unui bloc, in speranta ca va convinge pe cineva sa il ia acasa, a inceput sa isi caute familie. Este sociabil, se imprieteneste imediat cu oamenii si cu alte pisici, toarce imediat cum il bagi in seama si adora sa fie alintat si tinut in brate. Va garantam ca un aveti cum sa va plictisiti alaturi de el, fie ca il urmariti alergand dupa soricei si mingiute prin casa, fie ca va delecteaza cu o sesiune de tors si masaj pisicesc.
HETFIELD, the singer as he came to be known because of the way he was exercising his vocal capabilities when he was found in the garden of an apartment building, hoping to convince someone to take him home, is now looking for a family. Social, friendly to both humans and cats, he purrs as soon as receives the slightest attention and loves being caressed and gently stroked on his head. There is no way you could become bored with him around, as he's always chasing toys around the house or kneading in your lap.

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