
Monday, November 3, 2014


(EN below)

JULIAN nascut/born ~01.09.2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
JULIAN a fost gasit la sfarsitul lunii Octombrie, jucandu-se intr-un parculet la marginea unui bulevard. Desi era putin sperios, era si foarte curios, asa ca, desi circumspect, ne-a lasat sa ne apropiem si sa il luam in brate. Cum s-a vazut in casa, s-a proclamat rege, a mancat pana s-a umflat si s-a culcat in motul patului. Pentru ca avea probleme la un ochisor din cauza vremii de afara, micutul a urmat un tratament cu picaturi de ochi, si, din nou, s-a dovedit a fi un pisoi foarte curajos si a indurat cu calm tratamentul, iar acum nu mai are aproape deloc probleme la ochi. Luati-l acasa pe Julien sau ajutati-l, dand SHARE povestii lui!
JULIAN was found at the end of October, playing in a park, close to a large boulevard. He was a bit scared, but also really really curious and it seems that this time curiosity saved the cat, because we took him to safety. As soon as he was inside he proclaimed himself king, stuffed his belly with goodies and took a long, deep nap between the pillows. He was under treatment for a few days because of some eye-problems(caused by the cold weather), but now his eye is completely ok. Adopt JULIAN or help him by SHAREing his story.

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