
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


(EN below)
GRETA nascut/born ~30.6.2014, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained.

GRETA este o pisicuta speciala, nu doar in ceea ce priveste coloritul blanitei, ci si comportamentul. Desi e plina de viata si vesela ca orice pui atunci cand este cu mamica ei provizorie in casa, Gretei ii e frica de oameni straini. Nu stim exact ce a facut-o sa fie atat de timida, cert e ca micuta are nevoie de cineva care sa aiba putina rabdare cu ea pana se acomodeaza. Odata ce se obisnuieste cu casa si cu oamenii din casa, se joaca, alearga, face giumbuslucuri si se bucura de orice jucarie. Va rugam ajutati-o pe GRETA sa ajunga acasa dand SHARE povestii ei!
GRETA is a special little kitten. It's not her pastel colored coat we're talking about (that is also really special), but her behavior. GRETA is a shy cat, she needs a bit of time to get used to a new family and to new surroundings, but if she could find someone to have a bit of patience with her she could turn into the perfect cat. After she feels at home in a place she transforms into the most playful, curious and joyful kitten, she runs around plays and cuddles, but of course, on her terms. Please help GRETA by SHAREing her story!

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