
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ALEPH pisoi orb - ADOPTAT

(EN below) ALEPH nascut/born ~1.4.2014, deparazitati, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
Il mai tineti minte pe ALEPH, pisoiul mic, gasit la sfarsitul lui Mai, intr-o stare extrem de grava, cu ochisorii iesiti din oribta din cauza unei rinotraheite netratate la timp? Din pacate dupa 3 interventii chirurgicale si dupa tratamentul de mai bine de o luna pe care l-a urmat, Aleph si-a pierdut ambii ochisori. Avand un sistem imunitar slabit si fiind intr-o stare destul de proasta de sanatate micutul nu a raspuns la tratament, iar singura solutie(luata cu greu si dupa multe tratamente incercate) a fost excizia ambilor ochisori. Desi e orb acum, ALEPH se comporta ca un pisoi absolut normal, alearga, se joaca, isi face nevoile doar la litiera si toarce cu motorasele la maxim cand este alintat. Are nevoie acum doar de o familie care sa il iubeasca asa (minunat) cum e!
AVEM NEVOIE DE AJUTORUL VOSTRU pentru achitarea celor 640 LEI, costuri acumulate la cabinetul veterinar pentru 2 dintre operatiile lui la ochi (240 lei) + tratamentul postoperator si cazarea la (400 lei) . Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniti, o puteti face donând direct la cabinetul Vet Medical Consulting (Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect. 2, Bucuresti L-V: 10-20, S: 10-18, D: 10-13) sau ne puteti trimite un email la: pentru mai multe detalii. Mulțumim anticipat pentru orice fel de ajutor!
[EN] ALEPH was found in May in a very bad state of health, he had rhinotraheitis and his eyes were badly affected by it. After 3 surgeries and more than a month of different treatments ALEPH lost both his eyes(it was a tough decision but all treatments had failed and leaving him with infected eyes was not an option as he was blind allready). Even if he is a blind cat he does not behave like one, he plays runs around and gets all the joy out of life. He uses the litter box with no exception and is overly loving with humans and other cats. He now only needs a family to love him for the wonderful being he is!

WE NEED YOUR HELP in order to cover the costs we raised at the vet for 2 of Alephs surgeries (240 lei) and his treamtent and hospitalisation (400). If you would like to donate for Aleph please do so directly at the vet clinic where he was hospitalised: Vet Medical Consulting ( Zidurilor St. no. 9, sect. 2, Bucuresti L-V: 10-20, S: 10-18, D: 10-13)or send us an email for further information to the following address: Thank you in advance for all the help! 

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