
Thursday, November 6, 2014


(EN below)

MARCELL nascut/born ~30.6.2014, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained.
MARCELL este nu doar extraordinar de frumos, dar si extrem de iubitor, jucaus si alintat. Iubeste sa doarma in brate, sa fie magaiat, periat si pupacit. Micutul a ajuns in grija noastra acum o luna, racit si cu o micoza. Din pacate, sora lui, care era intr-o stare mult mai grava decat el, nu a supravietuit dupa ce a stat 3 zile pe perfuzii si la incubator. Dupa o luna de tratament, mancare buna si multa dragoste MARCELL e ca scos din cutie; cu o blanita lunga, fina si matasoasa si cu niste ochisori de smarald ar putea concura cu cele mai frumoase pisici de probabil ar castiga, pentru ca micutul nostru este un mare luptator! Daca nu il puteti adopta, ajutati-l sa ajunga acasa, dand SHARE povestii lui!
MARCELL is not only extraordinarily handsome, but also extremely loving, playful and cute. He went through a lot and a month ago when we found him he had a bad cold and an ugly mycosis, sadly his sister died after a 3 day fight with the sickness, but MARCELL came out stronger and has fully recovered. After a month of good food, treatments and lots and lots of love MARCELL is as good as new with his shiny, satin coat and his emerald eyes. All he needs is a loving home! Help him find his way home by SHAREing his story, if you can't take him home!

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