
Thursday, September 20, 2012


BIKO: m, nascut/born: ~ august 2012, deparazitat/dewormed, invatat la litiera/ litterbox trained
UPDATE 12.09.12: Biko face progrese vizibile in urma tratamentului. Ochisorii lui nu mai sunt atat de iritati si inflamati, iar starea lui generala este una foarte buna: manaca bine, este vioi si in ciuda problemelor de vedere (momentan distinge doar umbre) el se joaca, se catara, a invatat sa aprecieze distantele. Speram ca totul sa decurga bine in continuare si sa ii revina complet vederea.

Biko is making visible progresses and his treatment is going well. His eyes are less irritated and inflamed, and his general condition is good: he eats well, active, and despite his eye problems (he only distinguishes shadows at the moment) he plays a lot, and learned to appreciate distances. We hope that everything will go well and he will completely regaing his sight.
(EN below) Biko a avut ghinionul de a se naste pe strada, sub scara unui bloc. A fost adus la veterinar in starea in care il vedeti, urmand sa se intoarca pe strada. Nu am putut sa ne impacam cu acest gand asa ca, am gasit un coltisor si pentru el. Dna. care l-a adus la veterinar s-a oferit sa achite costurile tratamentului. Speram sa nu ramana cu foarte mari probleme la ochisori, care in acest moment sunt foarte infectati. Chiar si asa, Biko merita toata grija si dragostea din lume si asteapta rabdator familia care ii va putea oferi aceste lucruri.
Biko had the bad luck to be born on the street. He was brought to the vet, as you see him, and he was going to be taken back on the street. We could not let that happen so we found a little corner for him also. The lady that brought him to the vet, offered to pay for his treatment. We hope that he will not remain with great problems at his eyes, which now are quite infected. As any cat, Biko deserves all the love and care in the world, and he is waiting patiently for the ones that are going to offer him these things.

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