
Friday, September 28, 2012

Mica familie la ananghie | Small family in distress

UPDATE feb 2013 - La 4 luni de la semnalarea cazului si preluarea micii familii la anangie, toti pisoii si mama lor au fost adoptati de familii minunate| Four mothhs after we found out about this case, and the small family was taken into our care, all the kittens and their mother were adopted into loving families
Mica familie a trecut prin multe. Pisica-mama putem banui ca are aproximativ 9 luni, e si ea un pui de fapt, si arata ca si cum ar avea 6 luni. Si-a nascut cei 3 pui pe strada, intr-o zona plina de pericole. Au fost apoi adapostiti de niste oameni buni, dar cu posibilitati materiale reduse.
Pisica a mai adoptat un pui mult mai amarat decat ai ei, dupa ce pisoiul a stat o saptamana la subsolul unui bloc.
Din pacate, se pare ca pisoiul adoptat a adus cu el si o ciuperca, care s-a transmis si celorlalti. Nu e in faza avansata si cu tratament se vindeca fara probleme, dar in situatia de fata au nevoie de un adapost unde sa fie ingrijiti corespunzator.
Luni vor fi dusi la un control veterinar complet, iar ideal ar fi sa dupa asta sa fie luati in cazare temporara. Avand 20 de pisici in grija, noua ne este fizic imposibil sa-i luam. Asiguram tratamentul si cele necesare, daca aveti un colt de casa liber pentru ei.
Cand vom avea mai multe detalii despre starea lor de sanatate, vom reveni cu informatii despre adoptia lor.
------------------------ (EN below)
This small family went through a lot. Mother-cat is about 9 months old from what we can tell, so she's actually a kitten herself and actually looks like she's about 6 months old. She gave birth to 3 kittens on the street, in an area filled with dangers. They were taken in by some good people, but who have limited financial posibilities.
Mother-cat has also adopted another kitten, in a worse condition than hers, after the kitten had stayed for a week in the basement of a building.
Unfortunately, it seems that the adopted kitten has also brought a fungus that has spread to the others. It's not in an advanced stage and with treatment it will heal without problems, but in this particular situation they need a foster where they would be cared for properly.
On Monday we will take them to a veterinary checkup, and after that it would be ideal for them to be taken into temporary accommodation. With 20 cats in our care, it is physically impossible for us to take them. We can provide the necessary treatment and other necessities if you have a spare place for them in your home.
When we have more details about their health, we will return with information about their adoption.----------------
UPDATE 9.11.2012 (EN below)
Din pacate, vestile nu sunt cele mai bune. Pisoiul negru, Chupi, nu dadea semne de imbunatatiare in urma tratamentului pentru ciuperca, asa ca i s-au facut analize in urma carora s-a constatat ca are o forma de raie. Astfel ca s-a inceput atat tratamentul lui, cat si preventiv celor 3 frati. Tratamentul consta in cate o injectie saptamanala pe care o primesc toti 4, timp de 4 saptamani, iar pe langa asta Chupi mai primeste pastile, ulei de peste pentru refacerea blanii si bai cu sampon dermatologic.
Daca doriti sa contribuiti la achitarea sumei pentru tratament, care se ridica la aproximativ 300 lei, o puteti face fie direct la cabinetul veterinar VetMedical Consulting (Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect.2, Bucuresti L-V: 10 - 20, S: 10 - 18, D: 10 - 13) sau ne puteti trimite un email la: pentru mai multe detalii.
Sadly, the news aren't very good. The black kitten, Chupi, didn't show signs of improvement after his treatment for the mycosis, so the tests revealed the fact that he has scabies. He started the treatment, but so did his 3 brothers, preventively. The treatment consists of 4 weeks of weekly injections, and in addition Chupi receives pills, salmon oil for the fur and baths with dermatological shampoo.
If you wish to contribute to the payment of the treatment costs, you can either donate directly at the vet clinic (VetMedical Consulting, Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect.2, Bucuresti L-V: 10 - 20, S: 10 - 18, D: 10 - 13) or you can write us at: for more details.
UPDATE 22.10.2012 (EN below)
De doua saptamani de cand se afla in cazare temporara, cei 4 pisoi si mama lor primesc tratamentul pentru micoza. Reactia la tratament e diferita, cel negru avand inca probleme. Au fost cu totii deparazitati intern si extern, urmand sa primeasca in curand vaccinurile. Va vom tine la curent cu evolutia lor.
It's been 2 weeks since the little kittens and their mother are in foster and started the treatment for the micosis that affects them. The reactions to the treatment are different, the black one still having problems. They were all treated against fleas and dewormed, and will soon need vaccines. We will keep you posted with their situation.
UPDATE 4.10.2012 - (EN below)
Acum 2 zile mica familie a fost preluata din beciul in care a trait pana acum. Micutii si mamica lor au facut o prima oprire la veterinar pentru un control si deparazitari. Pentru ca pisoii erau putin apatici, au ramas internati peste noapte. Ieri se simteau deja mult mai bine, erau toti vioi, asa ca au fost dusi si ei in cazare temporara, unde au fost extrem de bucurosi sa isi revada mamica. Din pacate toata familia este afectata de o ciuperca si momentan se afla sub tratament. Revenim cu poze si vesti.
Daca doriti sa ii ajutati cu hrana, nisip sau alte lucruri necesare, va rugam frumos sa trimteti un email la:
2 days ago the small family, was taken from the basement where they lived until now. The first stop was at the vet clinic where they were dewormed and received anti-flee treatment. The kittens were a little bit weack, so they spent the night at the vet. Yesterday they were feeling much better so we took them into their foster home, where they were very happy to be reunited with their mommy. Unfortunately they all have a skin disease and they are under treatment for the moment. We will come back with news and photos.
If you wish to help them with food, litter sand, or other useful things, please contact us at:

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