
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


(EN below)
MINFA, f., ~2011, deparazitata/wormed, invatata la litiera/ litter box trained.
MINFA este o pisicuta cu un colorit aparte, care a fost gasita cutrierand pe Calea Victoriei, nu se stie sigur daca e pierduta sau abandonata, cert este ca Minfa este o pisicuta crescuta printre oameni, care este prietenoasa si iubareata si care nu ar stii sa se fereasca
pentru ca nu este constienta ca nu toti oamenii sunt buni. Va fi castrata in saptamana 13-19 August. Pana atunci isi cauta o familie iubitoare impreuna cu care sa isi petreaca restul vietii.
MINFA is a very beautiful cat, she has a very special coat color. She was found wondering the streets in the center of Bucharest. It is not clear if she was abandoned or if she's just lost, what is certain is the fact that she is used to life among people and she loves to be cuddled and petted. She will be neutered next week (13-19 August). She is looking for a loving home where she can spend the rest of her life.

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