
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


(EN below)
Pearl( f, n~2010, deparazitata, va fi sterilizata) zisa si Mamma Miua, este o pisicuta tanra, care a trecut deja prin prea multe intamplari rele (povestea ei aici ).
A fost lovita de un om, in timp ce isi ingrijea puii, lovitura care i-a cauzat o fractura de femur. Acum dupa operatie, isi revine incet, va ramane, insa, probabil, pentru tot restul vietii cu un schiopatat. Ciudat, dupa toate astea, este, ca Pearl tot iubeste oamenii, tot cauta mangaiere, asteapta sa fie scarpinata sub gusa si periata si toarce cum este atinsa. In afara de schiopatat, Pearl este acum bine si isi cauta o familie unde sa fie alintata si scarpinata pe burtica--------------------------

Pearl(f, n~2010, wormed, to be sterilised) Also called Mamma Mewa (her story here:, Pearl is a young cat, that already went through too much. She was hit by a person, while taking care of her babies and this left her with a femur fracture. Now, after the medical intervention she is feeling better and recovering well, but she will always remain with a limp. The funny thing is, that after all this suffering, Pearl still loves people, she is still looking for every bit of attention from us and longing to be caressed and cuddled. Pearl is looking for a forever home.

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