
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


MALIK(mascul), data nasterii / born: august 2012- deparazitat, educat la litiera/ dewormed, litter box trained

MALIK este un pisoi vorbaret, care vrea sa isi spuna povestea. A fost gasit pe strada, un pic speriat de oameni, dar suficient de curajos incat sa nu fuga. A ajuns in casa, unde initial, ca orice copil a plans, apoi a urmat masajul pe se astepta sa ii placa, dar i-a placut. Da, chiar i-a placut mult. S-a decis ca ii place viata in casa si ca a facut bine ca a avut incredere sa se lase prins. Acum isi doreste o familie proprie, nu una temporara, unde sa isi petreaca restul vietii linistit si iubit.

MALIK is a very talkative kitten, he wants to tell everyone about  the story of his life. He was found on the streets, a bit scared, but courageous enough not to run away. He was taken in, where, initially, like any kid, he cried because he was scared of all the new things around him. Than came the belly scratches, he liked those. Actually, he liked those so much, that he decided he wanted to stay, to live life in a house, together with people who loved him and took care of him. Now all he can dream of is being part of a family, being loved and pampered.

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