
Thursday, October 25, 2012


MITSY(f), data nasterii / born: august 2012- deparazitat, educat la litiera/ dewormed, litter box trained


UPDATE 30.10.2012
In acest weekend Mitsy a ajuns in foster. In urmatoarele 15 zile va sta inchisa intr-o cusca, pentru ca nu are voie sa faca niciun fel de efort, nu are voie sa sara, sa fuga sau sa se joace. In acelasi timp va continua tratamentul, dupa cele 15 zile va mai face o vizita la medic si daca totul merge bine, va putea fi vaccinata si va fi gata de adoptie.

This weekend Mitsy was moved into foster care. She will spend the next 15 days in a cage, in order to limit her movement because she is not allowed to run, jump, play or make any kind of effort. She will continue her treatment in foster and after the 15 days are up she will, hopefully, be vaccinated and will be ready for adoption, after a consult from the doctor.

S-ar putea spune ca MITSY este o mica ghinionista "norocoasa". Dupa ce a fost lovita de cineva, un om al strazii a luat-o cu el ca sa o apere. Fiind amarat nu a avut, insa, cum sa o ajute mai mult decat sa o tina cu el. Asa am intalnit-o alaturi de salvatorul ei, amandoi doi napastuiti ai sortii. In schimbul a cativa banuti si niste mancare, omul care s-a despartit cu lacrimi in ochi de micuta, pupand-o intr-una. Am dus-o de urgenta la veterinar unde a fost operata ieri de hernia cauzata de lovitura. Este mai bine acum, dar pana nu se stabilizeaza va ramane internata la cabinet. 
Dupa externare Misty va avea nevoie de cazare temporara pana isi va gasi o casuta permanenta. Daca o puteti ajuta cu acest lucru sau doriti sa ne sprijiniti cu achitarea costului operatiei, tratamentului post-operator si al internarii la cabinet, va rugam frumos sa ne contactati la:
One could say MITSY is a lucky cat in all her misfortune. She was hit by someone and a homeless man took her by his side in order to protect her, he couldn't do much for her, but he carried her around with him. This is how we met her, together with her savior, both two unwanted strays. We gave the man some food and money and as they parted he had tears in his eyes as he kissed and hugged her. We than took her asap to the vet where she was operated on yesterday for the hernia caused by the hit. She is better now, but will remain under veterinary supervision until she is stable. 
After she will be released from the clinic, she will need someone to take her into foster care until she will find a permanent home. if you can foster her or if you want to help us cover the costs for the operation, treatment and hospitalization please send an email to:

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