
Sunday, December 16, 2012


BLUE (m), nascut/born ~ 2010, sterilizat, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / neutered, dewormed, litter box trained.
Blue este un motan incredibil de bland si iubitor, care incepe sa toarca si daca vorbesti cu el. In mod singur candva a avut o familie, deoarece este foarte atasat de oameni si cerseste efectiv afectiune. In apartament s-a obisnuit foarte repede, nu este sperios deloc si cauta sa se alinte si sa fie bagat in seama cat mai mult. Este prietenos si cu alte pisici si chiar daca nu mai este pui, este foarte amuzant sa il vezi cum se joaca alergand dupa mingiute si soricei prin casa. Blue a fost sterilizat si acum asteapta sa isi gaseasca o familie careia sa ii poata oferi toata dragostea lui.
Blue is a very gentle and loving tomcat that starts purring even when you talk to him. For sure he had a family once, as he is really attached to humans and he is literally bagging for affection. He adapted very well to living in an apartment and he is always happy with each gesture of attention that he receives. He is friendly with other cats and even if he is not a small kitten anymore, it is really fun to see him playing and running after rubber balls and mice. Blue was neutered and now he is waiting to find a family with whom to share all his love.

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