
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bucksy (m), nascut/born ~ dec. 2011, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera/ dewormed, neutered, litter box trained
El este Bucksy, motanul de la Starbucks, mall Vitan. Cazul a fost semnalat in urma cu 3 saptamani dar nimeni nu l-a luat de acolo.

Acum sta in cazare temporara alaturi de alte doua pisici. Este foarte cuminte si bland si nu face mofturi la mancare.
A fost deparazitat si va fi castrat saptamana viitoare. Cine este interesat sa-i ofere o casuta, va rog scrieti la:
He is Bucksy, the cat that used to live at Vitan Mall, at Starbucks. The case was brought to our attention 3 weeks ago, but
nobody took him, eve though someone said they might. At the moment he lives with other 2 cats, waiting to be adopted. He is tender and sweet, and he is not a fussy eater. He was dewormed. Whomever is interested in offering him a permanent place to live, please contact:

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