
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


KARINA(f), nascut/born ~ Iunie 2012, deparazitata, sterilizata, invatat la litiera / dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.
Karina este o pisicuta tanaram, tare blanda si cuminte. Ii place sa fie mangaiata si alintata si desi e inca slaba, promite sa se transforme intr-o frumusete de pisica. Desi tanara (am gasit-o din pacate, dupa ce daduse nastere primilor pui) ea s-a dovedit a fi o mamica tare buna, pentru ca pe langa puii ei a mai adoptat si un alt micut care fusese abandonat si care altfel nu ar fi avut nicio sansa sa supravietuiasca. Karina merita o familie unde sa fie iubita si ingrijita pentru tot restul vietii ei, ea e dispusa sa ofere in schimb toata dragostea ei si ore lungi de masaj pisicesc si tors. Karina se intelege bine cu alte pisici si cu caini(obisnuiti cu pisici)
Karina is a really gentle and well behaved young cat. She likes to be caressed and pampered and, even though she is still pretty slim, in a short while she will transform into a very beautiful cat. We found her when she had already given birth to 3 kittens, and even though she is very young she not only cared for her kittens, but also adopted another baby cat that had been abandoned. Karina is looking for a family to love her and take care of her for the rest of her life, in exchange she will repay you with her love and long hours of purring and kitty massages.Karina gets along fine with cats and dogs.

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