
Monday, May 6, 2013


ZABAGLIONE(m) - nascut/born: ~01.03.2013 deparazitat, educat la litiera / dewormed, litterbox trained.
ZABA, este cel mai frumos si mai mare dintre puii Lindei, este si cel ai timid, rezervat fata e oameni si mai circumspect, asta oricum pana este hranit sau pana se joaca cineva cu el cu un pufulet pe bat, atunci uita sa fie circumspect si se alinta si se joaca pana ramane fara suflare.
ZABA is the most handsome and the biggest of Linda's kittens. he is also the shyest one of them, at least until he is fed or someone starts playing with him with him, this is when he relaxes completely and starts having fun.
ECLAIR (m) - nascut/born: ~01.03.2013 deparazitat, educat la litiera / dewormed, litterbox trained.
ECLAIR este cel mai iubaret si cel mai tandru dintre puii Lindei, este foarte inteligent, a invatat repede sa iasa din cosulet si a inteles primul ca oamenii nu sunt tot timpul rai, ci ca sunt chiar prietenosi si aduc mancare si mangaieri. 
ECLAIR is the most loving and friendly of Linda's kittens, he is also very intelligent and was quick to learn how to crawl out of the basket and was the first to trust people because he understood that they are the ones feeding and pampering him.