REGEL (m) nascut/born: ~01.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Regel a ajuns in grija noastra acum ceva luni bune. El a fost gasit impreuna cu surioara lui, amandoi avand mari probleme la ochi, cauzate de o rinotraheita netratata la timp.(https://www.facebook.com/
In ciuda tuturor acestor probleme, Regel este unul dintre cei mai afectuosi, blanzi, torcaciosi si jucausi pisoi pe care i-am intalnit si merita cu siguranta o familie pe masura.
Regel was taken into our care a few months ago. He was found together with his sister, suffering from an untreated rhinotracheitis, that damaged the cornea of their eyes. After long treatments and a few surgeries, Regel regained 95% of his vision at one eye. He will undergo a treatment with some eye-drops that will help with the recovery of the more affected eye. Also due to the virus and all the treatments Regel still has a very low immunity. Therefore Regel has a sort of cold, for which he received various treatments with antibiotics that unfortunately have not worked, so occasionally he has runny eyes and nose.
Despite all these problems, Regel is one of the most affectionate, gentle and playful kitten that I met and definitely deserves a family as.
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