
Thursday, July 30, 2015


SEDNA (F) nascuta/born: ~01.05.2015, deparazitata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Sedna este o pisicuta extrem de simpática si jucausa, care te binedispune in fiecare zi cu energía si cheful de joaca. In scurtele momente in care nu se joaca, ii place sa se cuibareasca langa tine si sa toarca cu toate motorasele pornite. Micuta a fost probabil abandonata, dar s-a hotarat repede ca un ii place pe strada si a venit mieunand catre una dintre voluntarele noastre si i s-a urcat in brate. S-a obisnuit imediat cu viata in apartament, este extrem de atasata de oameni si tot ce isi doreste acum este o familie care sa o alinte si sa o rasfete.
Sedna is an extremely cute and playful kitten, one that lifts your spirits everyday with her energy and silliness. The brief, fleeting moments when she's not playing with the accompanying human, she likes cuddling and purring at full strength. The little one was probably abandoned, but decided rather quickly she cannot be a street kitty, therefore she came meowing towards one of our volunteers and rapidly climbed into her arms. Sedna got accustomed fast to apartment life, she's extremely attached and all she wants right now is a family to love and cherish her.

Friday, July 17, 2015


NOLI (F) nascut/born: ~15.05.2015, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained
NOLI este din familia rara a felinelor bufnitoase :), de care cel mai probabil nu ati mai auzit(pentru ca ea e singurul exemplar), care se deosebeste de celalte feline prin faptul ca are ochii mari si bulbucati si blanita zburlita, neagra inspicata cu alb. Desi nu au fost zarite foarte multe astfel de exemplare in aceasta zona a globului, Noli a ajuns cumva la motorul unei masini din cartierul Dr. Taberei de unde mieuna disperata, cu toate ca ii era prea frica de oameni, la momentul respectiv, ca sa coboare. Pana la urma, dupa 1:30 h de rugaminti, am momit-o cu niste fripturica de porc si odata ajunsa in grija noastra s-a relaxat si a inceput sa se bucure de viata la apartament. Acum, dupa 2 saptamani, bufnicioara noastra cauta un cuib definitv in care sa se mute, alaturi de o familie care sa ii aprecieze penajul special.
NOLI belongs to a rare breed called the owl-like felines, you probably never heard of (as she is the only one), but they differentiate from the other felines because of their big bulb-like eyes and her fluffy black coat with gray hairs. Although not many individuals of this species were spotted in these parts of the globe, Noli somehow managed to get trapped in the motor of a car in Bucharest, from where she was meowing desperately. Even if she was suspicious towards people in the beginning, after she started enjoying the apartment life she also started value human company. All the odd bird needs now is a nest of her own and a family to appreciate her interesting feathering.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


GRIM FANDANGO (m) nascut/born: ~01.05.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained

UPDATE: GRIM este acum disponibil pentru adoptie.

Pe GRIM FANDANGO l-am gasit in noaptea de 30.06.2015 aproape lesinat pe marginea unui trotuar, piele si os cu temperatura 34,2 dar, desi parea fara sanse mari, tinut in incubator si cu perfuzii, dupa cateva zile micutul a inceput sa manace si temperatura i-a revenit la normal. Desi se simte mai bine el va ramane internat in continuare la cabinetul veterinar VetMedical Consulting, iar dupa externare va fi disponibil pentru adoptie.
UPDATE: GRIM is now available for adoption
We found GRIM FANDANGO more dead than alive in an alley on the night of June 30th, his temperature was 34.2 C and even though he had slim chances of survival afer a few days in the incubator and under iv treatment he started eating and regaining power. He is still under treatment at the vet now, but he will soon be available for adoption.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


LIAM (m) nascut/born: ~01.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Liam nu este doar un motanel adorabil, ci si un baiat foarte cuminte, bland si dragastos, deparazitat, vaccinat, sterilizat, invatat cu viata la apartament si are carnetel de sanatate. El isi cauta urgent o familie nou, pentru ca persoanele care il adoptasera de la noi acum aproape 2 ani vor avea un copil si nu doresc sa il mai pastreze. Liam spera ca de aceasta data sa isi gaseasca familia adevarata, care sa ii fie alaturi toata viata.
Liam is not only an adorable tomcat, but also a very gentle and loving one. Dewormed, vaccinated and sterilized, well adapted to apartment life and having a pet health card, he's urgently looking for a new family since the people who had him adopted for the last two years are expecting a baby and reasoned that they cannot keep him anymore. Liam is now hoping he'll find himself a real family this time, one that will keep him for life.