Friday, August 28, 2015


KIAN (M) nascut/born: ~01.06.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
KIAN este un mic luptator. A ajuns in grija noastra cand nici nu stia sa manance singur, dar a invatat foarte repede, a inceput sa prinda puteri si acum s-a transformat intr.-o frumusete de motanel. Este extrem de prietenos, adora sa fie bagat in seama si cel mai mult ii place sa iti toarca in brate cand stai la calculator sau cand te uiti la un film. Ca orice pisoi de varsta lui este si foarte jucaus, printre pasiunile lui numarandu-se alergatul dupa mingiute sau dupa cozile celorlalte pisici din casa. Kian este hotarat sa isi gaseasca cat mai repede o familie minunata, care sa il rasfete si sa il alinte asa cum ii place, si va roaga sa il ajutati dand SHARE povestii lui.
KIAN is a fighter. He came into our care before he could eat by himself, but learned that quickly. Now he's strong and beautiful and developed into an incredibly cute tomcat. Extremely friendly, he loves being the center of attention and likes best purring in your lap when you're at your desk or on your chest when you're watching a movie. Like any other kitten his age, he's full of energy and very playful, chasing balls or cat tails all day long. KIAN is determined to find himself a lovely family, to caress and pamper him so he asks you to SHARE his story.


(EN below)  SUZUKI nascut/born ~1.5.2014, deparazitati, invatat la litiera, vaccinat, sterilizat | dewormed, litterbox traind, vaccinated, neutered

SUZUKI are nu doar energia, ci si motorasele de tors la fel de puternice ca o motocicleta. Din cauza unei rinotraheite, pe care a avut-o cand inca era de-o schioapa Suzuki si-a pierdut vederea la ochiul stang,  asa ca micutul este acum "pirat".  Asta nu il opreste din a fi cel mai iubaret si fericit motanel, el nu realizeaza ca e diferit, se joaca atat cu pisicile cat si cu Dobermannul casei si nu ii este frica de nimic. Adoptati-l pe SUZUKI sau ajutati-l sa ajunga acasa dand SHARE povestii lui!
SUZUKI has the loudest purrrr-motors in town and can match any motorcycles energy at any time ! He lost one eye because of a rhinotraheitis he had when he was small. But he doesn't mind being a little pirate, he enjoys life as it is. ADOPT Suzuki or help him by SHAREING his story!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


LOLEK & BOLEK (M) nascuti/born ~25.04.2015, deparazitati, vaccinati, invatate la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained.

Cei doi frati au fost gasiti cand erau cat palma, au fost crescuti cu biberonul si au invatat incet, incet cum sta treaba cu litiera, cu mancarea solida si cu joaca, mai ales cu joaca..Acum ca au crescut suficient se descurca singuri asa ca a venit momentul sa isi caute o familie.
The two brothers were found when they were teeny tiny, they were raised with the bottle and slowly learned how to eat solid food, how to use the litter box and how to play..and they love to play! But they also love to cuddle. And now, that they are all grown up, they are ready to go to they furrrrever families.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


AUGUST (M) nascut/born: ~05.06.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained

AUGUST este un motanel special din toate punctele de vedere, de la ochii minunati la caracterul  calin, el este o bijuterie de pisica. Desi este curios si jucaus, pentru un motanel de varsta lui este destul de cuminte, ii place foarte mult sa toarca si sa fie alintat si sa doarma in brate. Cu alti pisoi este prietenos si desi ii e frica de catelul casei, in acelasi timp este si ft curios de ce il iubesc asa de mult ceilalti pisoi din cazare temporara.
AUGUST is one special kitten: from his mesmerizing eyes to his gentle soul, he is a gem. Even though he is inquisitive and playful for a cat his age he is pretty well-behaved, he loves to purr, cuddle and relax while being caressed. He gets along fine with other cats and is pretty interested why all other foster cats are such good friends with the dog of the house, though he still observes that weird and cat-friendly mutt from a safe distance.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


(EN below)
LULA LIBELULA (F) nascuta/born ~15.09.2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, sterilizata | dewormed, litterbox trained, neutered
LULA este cea mai iubitoare si dragastoasa si lipicioasa pisica din lume si, in acelasi timp, e super cuminte, nu se urca pe masa, nu se atinge de mancarea de oameni, doarme ca un copilas cu capul pe perne si are o fire foarte filozofica, doamne, cat poate sa vorbeasca si cate intrebari isi pune!!! ii raspundem si noi cum putem, insa ea mereu are ceva de zis in plus.


LULA is the sweetest, most loving and cuddly cat, but in the same time she is suuuper well behaved, doesn't attempt to eat food from the table that is left unsupervised and loves to sleep with her head on a pillow just like a baby. She is a talkative and philosophic cat, who enjoys having the last meow.


KELLY (F) nascuta/born: ~01.05.2015, deparazitata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
KELLY, mica pantera cu blana matasoasa si lucioasa, a fost gasita pe autostrada A3 la ~15 km de Bucuresti. Desi e interzis sa faci autostopul, a iesit din sant, cand am tras pe dreapta, si a venit fugind si mieunand catre masina, a sarit in brate si a tors si framantat cozonacei pana am ajuns cu ea acasa. Este extrem de dragastoasa si nu ii este deloc frica de oameni, asa ca cel mai probabil a fost abandonata in campul din zona si a ajuns fix la momentul potrivit pe marginea autostrazii.
KELLY our little satiny panther was found on the A3 freeway. Even though hitchhiking is forbidden, as soon as we pulled over she came running and mewing towards us and purred and massaged all the way home. She is extremely loving and is not at all scared of people so she was probably abandoned in the field next to the freeway. 


(EN below) EMMET (M) nascut/born ~10.07.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
EMMET nu este doar un motanila adorabil, ci, desi e micut, e foarte curajos, curios si, desigur, si foarte jucaus.  Orice motanel jucaus are, insa, nevoie si de o pauza de tors si alintat, iar lui Emmet acestea ii plac foarte mult. In brate se relaxeaza instant, incepe sa toarca si adoarme atat de linistit, ca si cum nu ar exista o grija pe lume. Si pt el nu exista, e sigur ca la cat de dragut e isi va gasi o familie iubitoare si serioasa foarte repede.
EMMET is not only an adorable little tom, but also a very curageous, curious and, of course, playful kitten. But like any respectable kitten, he knows that any good play session has to be followed by a lot of pampering and purring and falling asleep while the cat-belly is being rubbed. He has no worries and loves the world. This litle optimist is now looking for a family to forever call his.