
Monday, November 24, 2014



(EN below)
INDIRA nascuta/born ~30.5.2014, deparazitata, vaccinata, sterilizata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litterbox trained.
INDIRA, zisa si Iepurica Roz (datorita fetei ei de iepuras si a nasului foarte roz) a fost gasita acum cateva luni pe strada, cand era mica, sperioasa si foarte racita. Desi la inceput ii era frica de oameni, imediat ce a vazut ca nu toti oamenii sunt rai, ca unii ii vor chiar binele si ii recunosc meritele de printesa, a acceptat foarte repede dovezile de dragoste si admiratie din partea lor. Acum locul ei preferat este in varful patului cu burtica in sus, sau torrrrrrcand in brate. Minunatia aceasta isi cauta acum familie, care sa o aduleze, respecte si care sa ii faca toate poftele, asa cum merita! Daca nu o puteti adopta, va rugam ajutati-o dand SHARE povestii ei.
INDIRA was found a few months ago when she was small, scared and sic. At first she was afraid of people, but she soon learned that some of them love and respect animals and she turned into the sweetest kitten ever. We gained her trust really fast, as soon as we acknowledged her as a princes and treated her accordingly. Her favorite place is the bed and she loves purring in our arms, sometimes so loud that you can't sleep. This beauty is now looking for a furrrever home. Please help her by SHAREing her story!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


(EN below)

MARCELL nascut/born ~30.6.2014, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained.
MARCELL este nu doar extraordinar de frumos, dar si extrem de iubitor, jucaus si alintat. Iubeste sa doarma in brate, sa fie magaiat, periat si pupacit. Micutul a ajuns in grija noastra acum o luna, racit si cu o micoza. Din pacate, sora lui, care era intr-o stare mult mai grava decat el, nu a supravietuit dupa ce a stat 3 zile pe perfuzii si la incubator. Dupa o luna de tratament, mancare buna si multa dragoste MARCELL e ca scos din cutie; cu o blanita lunga, fina si matasoasa si cu niste ochisori de smarald ar putea concura cu cele mai frumoase pisici de probabil ar castiga, pentru ca micutul nostru este un mare luptator! Daca nu il puteti adopta, ajutati-l sa ajunga acasa, dand SHARE povestii lui!
MARCELL is not only extraordinarily handsome, but also extremely loving, playful and cute. He went through a lot and a month ago when we found him he had a bad cold and an ugly mycosis, sadly his sister died after a 3 day fight with the sickness, but MARCELL came out stronger and has fully recovered. After a month of good food, treatments and lots and lots of love MARCELL is as good as new with his shiny, satin coat and his emerald eyes. All he needs is a loving home! Help him find his way home by SHAREing his story, if you can't take him home!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ALEPH pisoi orb - ADOPTAT

(EN below) ALEPH nascut/born ~1.4.2014, deparazitati, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
Il mai tineti minte pe ALEPH, pisoiul mic, gasit la sfarsitul lui Mai, intr-o stare extrem de grava, cu ochisorii iesiti din oribta din cauza unei rinotraheite netratate la timp? Din pacate dupa 3 interventii chirurgicale si dupa tratamentul de mai bine de o luna pe care l-a urmat, Aleph si-a pierdut ambii ochisori. Avand un sistem imunitar slabit si fiind intr-o stare destul de proasta de sanatate micutul nu a raspuns la tratament, iar singura solutie(luata cu greu si dupa multe tratamente incercate) a fost excizia ambilor ochisori. Desi e orb acum, ALEPH se comporta ca un pisoi absolut normal, alearga, se joaca, isi face nevoile doar la litiera si toarce cu motorasele la maxim cand este alintat. Are nevoie acum doar de o familie care sa il iubeasca asa (minunat) cum e!
AVEM NEVOIE DE AJUTORUL VOSTRU pentru achitarea celor 640 LEI, costuri acumulate la cabinetul veterinar pentru 2 dintre operatiile lui la ochi (240 lei) + tratamentul postoperator si cazarea la (400 lei) . Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniti, o puteti face donând direct la cabinetul Vet Medical Consulting (Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect. 2, Bucuresti L-V: 10-20, S: 10-18, D: 10-13) sau ne puteti trimite un email la: pentru mai multe detalii. Mulțumim anticipat pentru orice fel de ajutor!
[EN] ALEPH was found in May in a very bad state of health, he had rhinotraheitis and his eyes were badly affected by it. After 3 surgeries and more than a month of different treatments ALEPH lost both his eyes(it was a tough decision but all treatments had failed and leaving him with infected eyes was not an option as he was blind allready). Even if he is a blind cat he does not behave like one, he plays runs around and gets all the joy out of life. He uses the litter box with no exception and is overly loving with humans and other cats. He now only needs a family to love him for the wonderful being he is!

WE NEED YOUR HELP in order to cover the costs we raised at the vet for 2 of Alephs surgeries (240 lei) and his treamtent and hospitalisation (400). If you would like to donate for Aleph please do so directly at the vet clinic where he was hospitalised: Vet Medical Consulting ( Zidurilor St. no. 9, sect. 2, Bucuresti L-V: 10-20, S: 10-18, D: 10-13)or send us an email for further information to the following address: Thank you in advance for all the help! 


(EN below)
GRETA nascut/born ~30.6.2014, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained.

GRETA este o pisicuta speciala, nu doar in ceea ce priveste coloritul blanitei, ci si comportamentul. Desi e plina de viata si vesela ca orice pui atunci cand este cu mamica ei provizorie in casa, Gretei ii e frica de oameni straini. Nu stim exact ce a facut-o sa fie atat de timida, cert e ca micuta are nevoie de cineva care sa aiba putina rabdare cu ea pana se acomodeaza. Odata ce se obisnuieste cu casa si cu oamenii din casa, se joaca, alearga, face giumbuslucuri si se bucura de orice jucarie. Va rugam ajutati-o pe GRETA sa ajunga acasa dand SHARE povestii ei!
GRETA is a special little kitten. It's not her pastel colored coat we're talking about (that is also really special), but her behavior. GRETA is a shy cat, she needs a bit of time to get used to a new family and to new surroundings, but if she could find someone to have a bit of patience with her she could turn into the perfect cat. After she feels at home in a place she transforms into the most playful, curious and joyful kitten, she runs around plays and cuddles, but of course, on her terms. Please help GRETA by SHAREing her story!


(EN below)

Ri¢hie Ri¢h nascut/born ~30.6.2014, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained.
RI¢HIE RI¢H  este un motanel adorabil, care, desi e putin timid la inceput, capata repede incredere si este extrem de dragastos si alintat. Este energic si foarte jucaus, ca orice pui de varsta lui, si ii plac la nebunie mingiutele cu pene, iar dupa o joaca buna vine sa ceara o portie dubla de mangaieri si sa doarma in brate. Imbogatiti-va viata cu Ri¢hie! Daca nu il puteti adopta, ajutati-l dand SHARE povestii lui.
RI¢HIE RI¢H is a very sweet and loving kitten, even if he is initially shy, after you've gained his trust he really loves to play, cuddle and be pampered. He loves to play and is very energetic, like any kitten his age, but after running around the house he loves to cuddle up to his human and fall asleep close to him. Enrich your life by adopting Ri¢hie, or, if you can't take him home, SHARE his story to help him find his furrrever home!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


TOGANEL (M), nascut/born ~15.11.2013, deparazitat, vaccinat, sterilizat, invatate la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litter box trained
TOGANEL (cel mai strasnic motanel) are aproximativ 1 an, este deparazitat, vaccinat, sterilizat si (evident) educat la litiera. Ii plac cateii, povestile si maslinele, dar este cel mai aprig dusman al maturilor. Dupa ce s-a saturat sa hoinareasca pe strazi, si a ajuns in casa, s-a hotarat ca viata de apartament este pentru el, si, desi ii place cazarea temporara, el fiind un pisoi serios, prefera sa se stie la familia lui. Este extrem de iubaret cu oamenii, prietenos cu alte pisici si cu catei (care sunt prietenosi cu el).
TOGANEL is an aprox. 1 year old tomcat. He likes dogs, stories and olives, but hates brooms to guts! Afteer spending his "youth" on the street, he decided it was time to find a home, first he settled for foster care, where it is really nicer than on the streets, but, being such a serious puss, he prefers having a safe arrangement, his own family. He adores people, likes the company of other cats and dogs(that are nice to him).


DARIA (F), nascut/born ~15.07.2014, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
DARIA este o pisicuta cu motor, asta pentru ca toarce imediat ce pui mana pe ea, dar si pentru energia de care da dovada atunci cand se pune pe joaca. Este o pisica foarte afectuoasa si sociabila, care adora sa fie alintata si rasfatata. Tot ce ii lipseste este o familie iubitoare si responsabila.
DARIA is a sweet, sociable and affectionate kitten, that purrs instantly when cuddled. Besides being spoiled and pampered, she loves to play and she is quite an energetic little cat. All she needs is a loving and responsible family.

Monday, November 3, 2014


(EN below)

JULIAN nascut/born ~01.09.2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
JULIAN a fost gasit la sfarsitul lunii Octombrie, jucandu-se intr-un parculet la marginea unui bulevard. Desi era putin sperios, era si foarte curios, asa ca, desi circumspect, ne-a lasat sa ne apropiem si sa il luam in brate. Cum s-a vazut in casa, s-a proclamat rege, a mancat pana s-a umflat si s-a culcat in motul patului. Pentru ca avea probleme la un ochisor din cauza vremii de afara, micutul a urmat un tratament cu picaturi de ochi, si, din nou, s-a dovedit a fi un pisoi foarte curajos si a indurat cu calm tratamentul, iar acum nu mai are aproape deloc probleme la ochi. Luati-l acasa pe Julien sau ajutati-l, dand SHARE povestii lui!
JULIAN was found at the end of October, playing in a park, close to a large boulevard. He was a bit scared, but also really really curious and it seems that this time curiosity saved the cat, because we took him to safety. As soon as he was inside he proclaimed himself king, stuffed his belly with goodies and took a long, deep nap between the pillows. He was under treatment for a few days because of some eye-problems(caused by the cold weather), but now his eye is completely ok. Adopt JULIAN or help him by SHAREing his story.