SHELLA (f) - nascuta/born: ~06.2012 deparazitata/dewormed, sterilizata/neutered, educata la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Initial timida, Shella capata destul de repede incredere in oameni si incepe sa-si arate afectiunea. Nu are nevoie decat sa se simta ocrotita si va raspunde imediat cu dragostea ei neconditionata. Adora sa fie mangaiata si tinuta in brate, un¬de isi gaseste refugiul si se relaxeaza imediat.
Shella este una dintre cele 9 pisici care ne-au cerut ajutorul aici:
Shy at first, Shella will easily start trusting people and showing her affection. She only needs to feel safe and will immediately answer with unconditional love. She enjoys being petted and held in one’s arms, where she finds refuge and instantly relaxes.
Shella is one of the 9 cats who asked for our help here:
Thursday, January 31, 2013
AUDREY (f) - nascuta/born: ~02.2012 deparazitata/dewormed, sterilizata/neutered, educata la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Privirea patrunzatoarea a lui Audrey este suficienta pentru a va fura inima! Dar nu trebuie sa uitam de „costumasulˮ ei elegant si pufos in alb si negru, de dragalasenia ei si de placerea cu care se bucura de fiecare mangaiere. Blanda si dornica de afectiune, Audrey este un pic timida la prima intalnire, insa nu dureaza mult pana cand va acorda toata increderea ei. Audrey este una dintre cele 9 pisici care ne-au cerut ajutorul aici:
Audrey’s deep eyes are enough to steal your heart for good! But we mustn’t forget about her elegant and fluffy black-and-white “outfit”, about her charming personality and the pleasure with which she enjoys every caress. Gentle and eager to be loved, Audrey is a little bit shy at the first encounter, but it wouldn’t take long until she grants you her complete trust. Audrey is one of the 9 cats who asked for our help here:
(EN below) Privirea patrunzatoarea a lui Audrey este suficienta pentru a va fura inima! Dar nu trebuie sa uitam de „costumasulˮ ei elegant si pufos in alb si negru, de dragalasenia ei si de placerea cu care se bucura de fiecare mangaiere. Blanda si dornica de afectiune, Audrey este un pic timida la prima intalnire, insa nu dureaza mult pana cand va acorda toata increderea ei. Audrey este una dintre cele 9 pisici care ne-au cerut ajutorul aici:
Audrey’s deep eyes are enough to steal your heart for good! But we mustn’t forget about her elegant and fluffy black-and-white “outfit”, about her charming personality and the pleasure with which she enjoys every caress. Gentle and eager to be loved, Audrey is a little bit shy at the first encounter, but it wouldn’t take long until she grants you her complete trust. Audrey is one of the 9 cats who asked for our help here:
[EN below]
TURTICEA (f), ~ 2009
vaccinata, sterilizata, deparazitata, educata la litiera / vaccinated, sterilized, wormed, litter box trained
TURTICEA este o pisica turtita, cineva a turtit-o si mai tare cu un picior in gura, asa ca are gurita stramba si aproape niciun dinte, dar nu este o problema pentru ea, mananca orice si oricand cu mare pofta. E cel mai sigur dintr-o casa pentru ca este dresata sa sara in brate la comanda, este foarte blanda si, desi se vede ca a suferit mult in ultimul timp, are totusi incredere in oameni, chiar daca e putin timida.
TURTICE is a flat faced cat, someone flattened her face even more with his foot, which left her with a crooked mouth and almost no teeth. She most certainly belonged to someone, because she is trained to jump up in my arms on command and is also very gentle, even though she must have gone through a lot she still trust humans and is only a bit shy
[EN below]
TURTICEA (f), ~ 2009
vaccinata, sterilizata, deparazitata, educata la litiera / vaccinated, sterilized, wormed, litter box trained
TURTICEA este o pisica turtita, cineva a turtit-o si mai tare cu un picior in gura, asa ca are gurita stramba si aproape niciun dinte, dar nu este o problema pentru ea, mananca orice si oricand cu mare pofta. E cel mai sigur dintr-o casa pentru ca este dresata sa sara in brate la comanda, este foarte blanda si, desi se vede ca a suferit mult in ultimul timp, are totusi incredere in oameni, chiar daca e putin timida.
TURTICE is a flat faced cat, someone flattened her face even more with his foot, which left her with a crooked mouth and almost no teeth. She most certainly belonged to someone, because she is trained to jump up in my arms on command and is also very gentle, even though she must have gone through a lot she still trust humans and is only a bit shy
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
PEPITO (m), nascut/ born 06.2012
deparazitat, educat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN below) PEPITO este un motan foarte bland si afectuos, iute torcator la mangaiere si jucaus atunci cand primeste atentie. Este un motan echilibrat si cuminte, care imbina intuitiv alintul cu sesiunile de joaca, dar caruia ii place si sa aiba timp numai pentru el, pentru a medita la cele pisicesti.
Desi a fost salvat dintr-un soi de ghena, aflata la subsolul unei case parasite, imediat ce a ajuns in apartament ne-a aratat ca este un motan educat, care stie sa foloseasca litiera ca si cum ar fi facut-o dintotdeauna.
PEPITO is a very gentle and affectionate tomcat, who immediately starts purring when caressed and enjoys playing when he receives the much-wanted attention. He is well-behaved and well-balanced, instinctively finding the perfect blend between cuddling and playing, while equally enjoying his alone-time, when he muses on “the catly businesses”.
Although, he was saved from some sort of a garbage chute, located in the basement of an abandoned house, as soon as he was brought in the apartment, he showed as what an educated tomcat he is and how he knows to use the litter box as if he’s always used one.
RAY & JAY (m), nascuti/ born ~10.2012
deparazitati, educati la litiera / de-wormed, litter box trained
( EN bellow) Ray si Jay sunt doi fratiori pe care la prima vedere cu greu reusesti sa ii deosebesti, dar nu va faceti griji ca ii veti confunda: au personalitati complet diferite si par sa se completeze perfect unul pe celalat. Ray este mai curajos, vine singur sa se alinte si adora sa fie tinut in brate. Jay, in schimb, este un pic mai timid la inceput; abia dupa ce il vede pe fratiorul lui ca se alinta si se rasfata isi face si el curaj sa stea la mangaiat. Sunt foarte atasati unul de celalat si este o incantare sa ii vezi cum se joaca impreuna si apoi adorm cuibariti unul langa altul. Ne-ar parea rau sa ii despartim, asa ca ar fi de preferat sa fie adoptati impreuna sau macar de persoane care mai au o pisica, pentru a avea un partener de joaca.
Ray and Jay are two little brothers – you can hardly tell one from the other at the first glance, but rest assured: they have very distinct personalities and they seem to complement each other perfectly. Ray is braver, he comes to you by himself and he loves being held. In return, Jay is a little bit shy at first, and only after he sees that his little brother is cuddling and he’s being petted, he finds the courage to enjoy a petting session. They are very fond of each other, and watching them play together and then huddle together is simply a delight. We would feel sorry to break them apart, so it’s preferable for them to be adopted together, or at least by someone who already has a cat, so the little one has someone to play with.
Friday, January 18, 2013
SYLVESTER (m) - nascut/born: 2011, deparazitat/dewormed, castrat/neutered, educat la litiera/litter box trained
Sylvester a fost salvat din mijlocul unei haite de caini. A fost adus la un cabinet veterinar in stare de soc.
Nu se misca si abia mai respira. Dupa cateva zile de tratament Sylvester si-a recapatat fortele si s-a dovedit a fi unul dintre cei mai afectuosi, cuminti si torcatori motani din cati am cunoscut. Dupa tratament, deparazitare si castrare, Sylvester a fost externat.
Ajuns intr-o casa el nu a avut nicio problema de acomodare, ci din contra, este complet in largul lui, ceea ce ne face sa credem ca a crescut cu siguranta in preajma oamenilor, cel mai probabil chiar intr-o casa. Are si cicatrici mai vechi pe aproape tot corpul, este foarte slab si are o mica problema cu echilibrul, toate semne ale unei vieti dure pe strada,una care cu siguranta nu i-a priit. Sylvester are nevoie acum de o familie permanenta care sa aiba grija de el si sa il iubeasca asa cum merita. Acorda-i o sansa si iti garantam ca nu vei regreta.
Sylvester was rescued from the middle of a pack of dogs. He was brought to a vet clinic completely in shock. He was not moving and was barely breathing. After several days of treatment Sylvester regained strength and proved to be one of the most affectionate, obedient and purring tomcats we have ever met. After treatment, deworming and neutering, Sylvester was released form the vet. Arriving in a house he had no problem accommodating, on the contrary, he just feels like home, which makes us believe that he has lived around people, most probably in a house. He has old scars almost all over his body, he was very weak and has a little problem with balance, all signs of a hard life on the street. Sylvester needs a permanent family to take care of him and love him as he deserves. Give him a chance and we guarantee you will not regret it.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Inainte sa adopti o pisica..
O PISICA NU E UN OBIECT. Daca este bine ingrijita, poate trai 15-20
ani. Odata adoptata, o pisica devine un membru al familiei si reprezinta
o responsabilitate de-o viata, nu un moft de moment. GANDITI-VA BINE
BUBBLES (m), nascut/born: 07-08.2012, deparazitat/dewormed, educat la litiera/litter box trained
[EN below] BUBBLES a fost gasit misunand pe sub masini, intr-o zona plina de caini. In momentul in care l-am chemat el a venit torcand... Ne-a fost imposibil sa il lasam acolo, iar micutul nu a protestat deloc. Nu a avut absolut nicio problema de acomodare in apartament. Este un pisoi foarte torcacios, afectuos, dar si jucaus. Cauta o familie responsabila care sa il iubeasca si sa aiba grija de el, asa cum merita.
BUBBLES was found wandering under some cars in an area full of dogs. He came to us purring and we could just not leave him there. He had no problem adapting in an apartment. Bubbles is a very sweet, purring, and also playing kitten. He needs a responsible family that will take care of him, just as he deserves.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Paquita (f), nascut/born ~ 07-2012, deparazitata, sterilizata, invatat la litiera / dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.
Desi timida la prima intalnire, Paquita capata destul de repede incredere daca se simte iubita si protejata. Odata ce se relaxeaza, va arata o fata absolut adorabila a personalitatii ei: micuta tigresa adora sa fie mangaiata, toarce neincetat si nu rateaza niciun moment sa se joace si sa faca giumbuslucuri.
While shy at the first encounter, Paquita will start pretty soon to trust you if she feels loved and cared for. Once she’s completely relaxed, she will demonstrate an absolutely adorable side of her personality: the little tigress loves being petted, she purrs endlessly and she doesn’t miss any moment to play or to show you her favorite tricks.
BALANEL(m), nascut/born ~August 2012, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
( EN bellow) BALANEL este buzoian, a fost gasit la sfarsitul lunii Decembrie inghetat aproape total in curtea unui bloc.Cand ajuns la Bucuresti si in grija noastra avea 1,4 kg si ii puteai numara coastele. A fost tratat pentru otita, pentru o infectie la gingie si pentru raceala, iar acum este complet vindecat. Desi este extrem de bland si de calin, Balanel este un motanel sperios la inceput, si chiar si dupa ce capata incredere, miscarile bruste il pun pe fuga. Acomodarea lui la un nou mediu, cu oameni noi, va fi de durata mai lunga decat la un pisic, care nu este deloc speriat, Cand se ataseaza, insa, sta in brate ca un copilas si toarce si se alinta. Este nevoie de rabdare din partea adoptatorului in ceea ce priveste acomodarea lui.
BALANEL(m), nascut/born ~August 2012, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
( EN bellow) BALANEL este buzoian, a fost gasit la sfarsitul lunii Decembrie inghetat aproape total in curtea unui bloc.Cand ajuns la Bucuresti si in grija noastra avea 1,4 kg si ii puteai numara coastele. A fost tratat pentru otita, pentru o infectie la gingie si pentru raceala, iar acum este complet vindecat. Desi este extrem de bland si de calin, Balanel este un motanel sperios la inceput, si chiar si dupa ce capata incredere, miscarile bruste il pun pe fuga. Acomodarea lui la un nou mediu, cu oameni noi, va fi de durata mai lunga decat la un pisic, care nu este deloc speriat, Cand se ataseaza, insa, sta in brate ca un copilas si toarce si se alinta. Este nevoie de rabdare din partea adoptatorului in ceea ce priveste acomodarea lui.
BALANEL was found at the end of December almost frozen to death. When he came in our care he weighed 1,4 kg and you could count his ribs. He was treated for a cold, for otitis and for an infection at his gums and he has now completely recovered. Even though he is extremely gentle he still is a bit shy with new people. His adaptation to the new environment and to his new masters might take a bit longer than for a cat that is not afraid of people. The second he starts trusting people he turns into a loving, purring little baby that loves to cuddle, all he needs is patience.
BALANEL was found at the end of December almost frozen to death. When he came in our care he weighed 1,4 kg and you could count his ribs. He was treated for a cold, for otitis and for an infection at his gums and he has now completely recovered. Even though he is extremely gentle he still is a bit shy with new people. His adaptation to the new environment and to his new masters might take a bit longer than for a cat that is not afraid of people. The second he starts trusting people he turns into a loving, purring little baby that loves to cuddle, all he needs is patience.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
BOTIC(m) - nascut/born: 2010, deparazitat/dewormed, castrat/neutered, educat la litiera/litter box trained
BOTIC este un motan, care probabil a trait alaturi de oameni o perioada. Cand l-am gasit era deja castrat, dar este un motan destul de circumspect la inceput si are o fractura veche la unul din picioare(ce nu il deranjeaza la mers, dar il face sa stea cu pisiorul intins cand sta jos), deci probabil a fost lovit de catre cineva destul de tare, ceea ce l-a facut sa isi piarda partial increderea in oameni. Cand este mangaiat se destinde si toarce si framanta cozonacei, dar pana sa se simta complet in siguranta in prezenta cuiva, dureaza un pic. Nu are nevoie decat de cineva cu putina rabdare.
BOTIC is an adult tomcat that probably spent part of his life in a family. He was found neutered, but with an old leg fracture, that was caused by someone hitting him hard. He has no visible problems walking, but sits down in a funny way because of this. He is a bit shy at first and does not trust people from the start, but after a while, after you get to earn his trust, he likes to cuddle and purr and give cat massages. He only needs someone with a bit of patience
ACE (m), nascut/born ~ 10.2012, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
Ace este un motanel extrem de tandru si afectuos, care a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a fost gasit in zapada, in fata unui bloc, intr-o zona cu foarte multi catei. Ace este foarte sociabil si torcacios, dar si foarte jucaus, ca orice pui de varsta lui. Adoptia lui a fost putin intarziata datorita unor investigatii medicale legate de niste probleme pe care Ace parea sa le aiba la labele din spate. Diagnosticul medicilor este: disfunctie cerebeloasa minora, problema care se va remedia in proportie de 80-90% in urma administrarii unui tratament de 30 de zile. Practic, Ace este un motanel absolut normal cu exceptia unor probleme minore de coordonare: nu poate sari foarte sus sau la mare distanta. Problema nu se va agrava, ci din contra, si nici nu ii va afecta in vreun fel viata. Familia care il va adopta va trebui sa continue sa ii administreze tratamentul pana la indeplinirea celor 30 zile. Pastilele le vom furniza noi, iar acestea se administreaza cu usurinta.
Ace is a very loving and affectionate tomcat that arrived in our care after being found in the snow in front of a building, in an area full of dogs. Ace is very sociable and purring and also very playful, like any kittne his age. His adoption was slightly delayed due to some medical investigations related to some problems that Ace seemed to have at his hind legs. The diagnosis is: minor cerebellar dysfunction, a problem that will be solved in a proportion of 80-90% following the administration of a 30 day treatment. Basically, Ace is a completely normal tomcat, except for minor problems of coordination: can not jump very high or far away. The problem will not worsen and will not affect his life in any way. The family who will adopt them will have to continue to administer the rest of the treatment (we will provide the pills).
JABBA (f), nascuta/born: 2007-2008, deparazitata/dewormed, sterilizata/spayed, educata la litiera/litter box trained
[EN below] JABBA a fost abandonata in parcul IOR, intr-un cos inchis, impreuna cu o punga cu mancare si 2 castroane. Este o pisica birmaneza in varsta de aprox. 5-6 ani si o greutate de 8 kg... Jabba este obeza, avea blana complet incalcita, urat mirositoare si murdara si nici nu vrem sa ne gandim in ce conditii a trait pana acum. Avea si o infectie urinara, care i-a cauzat o incontinenta urinara, motiv pentru care a facut si o iritatie foarte urata. Jabba a fost internata pentru cateva zile la Vet Medical Consulting unde a fost consultata, tunsa, tratata si a facut un set de analize. In afara de colesterolul crescut, explicat prin greutatea ei si o alimentatie, cu siguranta nepotrivita, analizele au iesit bine. Acum ea se afla in cazare temporara si se dovedeste a fi o pisica extreeem de blanda si cuminte. Va mai ramane o scurta perioada la noi pentru a fi observat, urmand apoi sa fie oferita spre adoptie unei FAMILII RESPONSABILE.
JABBA was abandoned in a park, in a closed carrier, together with a bag of food and two bowls. She is a 5-6 years old birmanese cat that wheights 8kg... Jabba is obese, her fur was full of knots, dirty and smelly, and we don't even want to think of the life this cat had until now. She also had a pretty nasty urinary infection that caused her an urinary incontinence. She stayed for a few days at VetMedcial Consulting, where she was checked-up, groomed, treated and she received a set of blood tests, to be sure that she doesn't have other health issues. Except the high colesterol, explained by her weight and not a proper diet, blood sets are fine. Jabba is now in foster care and she proves to be an exteremly sociable and good cat. She will be offered for adoption soon to a RESPONSIBLE FAMILY.
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