MOUSSE (F), nascuta/born ~2010/2011, deparazitata,
invatata la litiera, sterilizata | dewormed, litterbox trained, neutered
MOUSSE este o pisica tanara, foarte activa si jucausa, desi nu mai e chiar pui se comporta des ca unul, isi gaseste tot timpul ceva de facut si de inspectat. Este foarte alintata, cerseste dragoste si ii place foarte mult sa fie in centrul atentiei. Mousse a trait o perioada plimbandu-se intre curtile oamenilor, pana cand s-a hotarat ca vrea sa fie pisica de casa, asa ca nu ar deranja-o sa aiba o curticica unde sa stea cu burtica la soare.
MOUSSE is a very young, active and playful cat. Even though she is not a kitten anymore she still has moments when she acts like one, runs around the house and finds things to do and places to sniff out. She is very spoiled, she craves a lot of love and attention. She spent a part of her life wondering from yard to yard until she decided she wanted to be a house cat, so she wouldn't mind to have a little garden where she can warm her belly in the summer time.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
LIRA (f) & PESO (m)- nascuti/born ~25.08.2013, deparazitat, invatati la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
LIRA si PESO, din clanul buza neagra, sunt cei doi pisoi cumparati de la un om al strazii in piata romana in luna octombrie 2013 ( Dupa ce Peso a fost adoptat, LIRA a ramas cu speranta ca va gasi si ea o familie la fel de buna ca fratiorul ei si ca va fi iubita si ingrijita pentru tot restul vietii. Este o pisica foarte energica si plina de viata, ca orice pui, iar intre partide de joaca si alergare, ii place sa doarma pe oameni, sub plapumi si in hamacul pisicesc.
Peso |
LIRA & PESO, are two kittens we had to buy from a homeless man who was walking around the city with them in a bag. her brother Peso was adopted and Lira is still hoping to find a family to love and pamper her for the rest of her life. She is really playful and energetic and after running through the house and a good play session she loves to cuddle and sleep covered by fluffy blankets.
GUSTAV (m) nascut/born: 2010, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, sterilizat / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered.
UPDATE: Revenim cu vesti despre GUSTAV! S-a adaptat foarte bine in cazare temporara si chiar daca este mai timid la inceput cu oamenii dupa ce ii castigi increderea incepe sa aprecieze din plin sesiunile de alintat sau de joaca. Motanelul si-a revenit foarte bine dupa accident, si chiar daca si-a pierdut vederea la un ochi aceste lucru nu pare sa il incomodeze cu nimic, neavand nevoie de nici o atentie speciala. Deoarece este un motan care a trecut prin multe incercari, Gustav are nevoie de o familie care sa aiba rabdare cu el si sa ii ofere multa dragoste.
GUSTAV este un motan mai putin norocos. El a fost gasit in mijlocul unei strazi, dupa ce fusese lovit de o masina. Initial persoana care l-a gasit a crezut ca este mort, dar in momentul cand s-a apropiat motanul si-a miscat un pic capul. Din fericire pentru el, a ajuns la timp la cabinetul veterinar, unde a fost internat pentru tratament si monitorizare. Diagnosticul pus de medici a fost hemoragie cerebrala, cu incoordonare in mers plus hemoragie intradurala (la nivelul coloanei vertebrale). Desi in primele zile starea lui a fost critica, Gustav a inceput sa se recupereze. Momentan mai are mici probleme de coordonare si de asemenea, datorita loviturii la cap este posibil sa isi piarda vederea la unul dintre ochi. In afara de asta nu pare sa ramana cu alte sechele care sa ii afecteze viata de acum inainte.
Din estimarile medicului, motanul are aproximativ 3 ani si era castrat in momentul in care a fost gasit. Asa ca mai mult ca sigur este pierdut sau abandonat.
Deocamdata este destul de speriat si timid cu oamenii, dar speram ca dupa ce se va muta in cazare temporara saptamana viitoare sa inceapa sa se relaxeze.
Vom reveni cu mai multe poze si detalii cand va fi disponibil pentru adoptie. Daca cineva il recunoaste va rugam sa ne anuntati.
Good news about GUSTAV! He adapted very well in foster care and even if he is a little shy at first, after you win his trust he starts appreciating human attention and playing sessions. The tomcat recovered very well after the accident and even if he lost the sight in one eye this doesn’t seem to bother him and he doesn’t need any special attention. After being so close to death, Gustav now needs a family that is willing to give him time to adapt and a lot of love.
GUSTAV is a less fortunate tomcat. He was found in the middle of a street, after he had been hit by car. At first the person that found him thought he was dead, but when she got close to him, the tomcat moved his head. Luckily, he was taken to the vet in time and he remained there for treatment and monitoring. The diagnosis is brain haemorrhage (that causes coordination problems) and intradural haemorrhage (on the spine). Although in the first days he was in critical condition, Gustav started to recover step by step. He still has small coordination problems and also he might lose the sight in one eye. Besides that, it seems he won’t remain with any other side effects that might affect his life from now on.
The vet estimated that the tomcat is approximately 3 years old and when we found him he was already neutered. So it is very likely that he was lost or abandoned.
For now he is quite shy with people, but we hope that after he will be moved in foster care next week he will get more relaxed.
We will get back with more news and details when he will be ready for adoption. If someone recognizes him please let us know.
GUSTAV (m) nascut/born: 2010, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, sterilizat / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered.
UPDATE: Revenim cu vesti despre GUSTAV! S-a adaptat foarte bine in cazare temporara si chiar daca este mai timid la inceput cu oamenii dupa ce ii castigi increderea incepe sa aprecieze din plin sesiunile de alintat sau de joaca. Motanelul si-a revenit foarte bine dupa accident, si chiar daca si-a pierdut vederea la un ochi aceste lucru nu pare sa il incomodeze cu nimic, neavand nevoie de nici o atentie speciala. Deoarece este un motan care a trecut prin multe incercari, Gustav are nevoie de o familie care sa aiba rabdare cu el si sa ii ofere multa dragoste.
GUSTAV este un motan mai putin norocos. El a fost gasit in mijlocul unei strazi, dupa ce fusese lovit de o masina. Initial persoana care l-a gasit a crezut ca este mort, dar in momentul cand s-a apropiat motanul si-a miscat un pic capul. Din fericire pentru el, a ajuns la timp la cabinetul veterinar, unde a fost internat pentru tratament si monitorizare. Diagnosticul pus de medici a fost hemoragie cerebrala, cu incoordonare in mers plus hemoragie intradurala (la nivelul coloanei vertebrale). Desi in primele zile starea lui a fost critica, Gustav a inceput sa se recupereze. Momentan mai are mici probleme de coordonare si de asemenea, datorita loviturii la cap este posibil sa isi piarda vederea la unul dintre ochi. In afara de asta nu pare sa ramana cu alte sechele care sa ii afecteze viata de acum inainte.
Din estimarile medicului, motanul are aproximativ 3 ani si era castrat in momentul in care a fost gasit. Asa ca mai mult ca sigur este pierdut sau abandonat.
Deocamdata este destul de speriat si timid cu oamenii, dar speram ca dupa ce se va muta in cazare temporara saptamana viitoare sa inceapa sa se relaxeze.
Vom reveni cu mai multe poze si detalii cand va fi disponibil pentru adoptie. Daca cineva il recunoaste va rugam sa ne anuntati.
Good news about GUSTAV! He adapted very well in foster care and even if he is a little shy at first, after you win his trust he starts appreciating human attention and playing sessions. The tomcat recovered very well after the accident and even if he lost the sight in one eye this doesn’t seem to bother him and he doesn’t need any special attention. After being so close to death, Gustav now needs a family that is willing to give him time to adapt and a lot of love.
GUSTAV is a less fortunate tomcat. He was found in the middle of a street, after he had been hit by car. At first the person that found him thought he was dead, but when she got close to him, the tomcat moved his head. Luckily, he was taken to the vet in time and he remained there for treatment and monitoring. The diagnosis is brain haemorrhage (that causes coordination problems) and intradural haemorrhage (on the spine). Although in the first days he was in critical condition, Gustav started to recover step by step. He still has small coordination problems and also he might lose the sight in one eye. Besides that, it seems he won’t remain with any other side effects that might affect his life from now on.
The vet estimated that the tomcat is approximately 3 years old and when we found him he was already neutered. So it is very likely that he was lost or abandoned.
For now he is quite shy with people, but we hope that after he will be moved in foster care next week he will get more relaxed.
We will get back with more news and details when he will be ready for adoption. If someone recognizes him please let us know.
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