(EN below)
AYRAN(M) nascuta/born ~15.12.2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
Desi il cheama AYRAN, micutul este o dulceata! Este plin de dragoste, energie si voie buna si nu se fereste sa le ofere fara masura oricuie dornic sa il bage in seama. Cand l-am gasit in fata la Spring Time la Piata Universitatii era murdar, muscat de o labuta si haladuia (schiopatand) in cautarea unui adapost, dar toate relele prin care a trecut nu l-au facut pe Ayran sa se amarasca, el si-a pastrat increderea in oameni, veselia si motorasul de tors. Acum tot ce ii mai trebuie este o familie pe care sa o bucure cu jongleriile lui pisicesti in fiecare zi.
Even if he is called AYRAN this boy is sweet as candy. He is an explosion of love, energy and cheer and has no problem spreading the love. We found him wondering the streets dirty and limping (he had an infected bite on his left front paw), but none of these bad experiences made him any less adorable. He loves humans and life and all he needs now is a family to make happy.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
(EN below)
TRIKI (F) nascuta/born ~30.11.2014, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
TRIKI este cea mai vesela, jucausa si energica pisicuta. Ii place la nebunie sa alerge mingiute, sa isi ascuta gherutele in copacul de pisici si sa se lupte cu dusmani imaginari dupa care sa fuga infoiata. Iar atunci cand oboseste, daca nu cade lata undeva cu un soricel de fetru intre gherute, vin in brate sa toarca si sa fie mangaiata pana adoarme. Triki isi cauta o familie care sa o iubeasca si alinte.
TRIKI is a happy, playful and loving kitten, She adores to chase her toys around the house, to play with the scratching post and run around after imaginary enemies. After all that hard work and energy consumption she comes to be pampered and caressed to sleep, that's if she doesn't fall asleep somewhere with a toy mouse between her claws. Triki is looking for a loving home to run around in.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
RAMA & ŞAH (F, M) nascuti/born ~01.08.2014, deparazitati, vaccinati, invatate la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained
RAMA & ŞAH sunt doi fraţiori adorabili, jucasi si plini de viata. Isi petrect tot timpul împreuna, sunt nedespărţiţi la masă, la joacă şi chiar si la litieră. Ea este capul nabadailor, cea care da tonul, el, putin mai timid si mai pampalau sta in umbra surorii lui, pe care o iubeste tare mult si dupa care plange daca sunt despariti. Amandoi sunt iubareti, blanzi si torcatori si se pricep de minune la masajul pisicesc. Cand nu se joaca unul cu celalat, le placesa doarma impreuna in brate si sa fie mangaiati la unison.
RAMA & CHESS are two adorable twins. They are playful, joyful and a pure pleasure to be around. Like any pair of twins they are inseparable, they eat, sleep, play and even go to the litter-box together. She is the brains of the operation and he is her little minion, following her around and doing whatever he sees her do. When they don't play together, they love to cuddle and sleep in someones arms and be petted and pampered.
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