Castor(m)- nascut/born ~15.05.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
CASTOR este un pisoi tare bland si inteligent, el a fost primul dintre frati, care a inteles ce e cu litiera, primul care a
mancat si bobite nu doar laptic, primul care a reusit sa se urce in
copacul de pisica, probabil a fost si primul care s-a nascut pentru ca
este tare voinicel. El cauta apropierea umana,
ii place sa fie scarpinat pe burtica si pupacit si ii place sa doarma in pat langa oameni.
CASTOR is a very inteligent and gentle kitten.
He was the first of his brothers to learn how the litter box works, the first to eat dry
food and the first to climb the cat tree. He likes human presence
and likes long soft belly rubs. He purrs as soon as he is caressed and likes to sleep in bed, just like human beings.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
CLOPOTICA (f) nascuta/born: 2012, deparazitata, invatata la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
Pe CLOPOTICA am gasit-o intr-o noapte, umbland nonsalanta pe o strada cu multi caini, tinandu-se dupa oameni fara sa realizeze ca ar putea fi in pericol. Avea zgardita rosie si clopotel la gat si am sperat ca ii vom putea gasi stapanii, dar, din pacate, dupa mai mult de o luna in care a tot asteptat sa fie gasita de familia ei Clopi isi cauta o noua familie. Este o pisica extrem de tandra si iubitoare, e inca tanara asa ca este si jucausa si activa. Este o pisica alintata, care cerseste iubire si atentie, se vede ca a fost crescuta in casa si a avut parte de iubire. Adoptati-o pe Clopi sau ajutati-o cu un SHARE!
We found Clopotica(Tinkerbell) one night wondring the streets following people that were offering her attention. She had her red collar and with a little white bell, so we took her in thinking she was lost and we might be able to find her family, but now, after over a month of waiting, Clopi is looking for a new home. She is an extraordinarily loving and gentle cat, she is still young so she is also energetic.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
MICHIDUTA (f) nascuta/born ~30.06.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
MICHIDUTA este o bijuterie neagra, are blanita semi-lunga si foarte fina si lucioasa. Desi a fost la un pas de moarte, fiind salvata in ultimul moment din gura unui caine si tracand la abia 2 luni printr-o operatie destul de dificila, MICHI nu e deloc sperioasa, este foarte atasata de oameni si foarte blanda si increzatoare. Ii place sa se joace si isi gaseste singura de lucru, iar cel mai mult ii place sa stea in brate si sa toarca.
MICHI is a black beauty she has a shiny, very fine semi-long black coat. Even though she had a close to death encounter and was saved at the last moment from the fangs of a dog and had to undergo a pretty difficult surgery at only 2 months of age she is a very loving, happy and trusting little cat. She loves to play and always finds things to do, but most of all she loves to be caressed and to cuddle.
MICHIDUTA (f) nascuta/born ~30.06.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
MICHIDUTA este o bijuterie neagra, are blanita semi-lunga si foarte fina si lucioasa. Desi a fost la un pas de moarte, fiind salvata in ultimul moment din gura unui caine si tracand la abia 2 luni printr-o operatie destul de dificila, MICHI nu e deloc sperioasa, este foarte atasata de oameni si foarte blanda si increzatoare. Ii place sa se joace si isi gaseste singura de lucru, iar cel mai mult ii place sa stea in brate si sa toarca.
MICHI is a black beauty she has a shiny, very fine semi-long black coat. Even though she had a close to death encounter and was saved at the last moment from the fangs of a dog and had to undergo a pretty difficult surgery at only 2 months of age she is a very loving, happy and trusting little cat. She loves to play and always finds things to do, but most of all she loves to be caressed and to cuddle.
GEORGE (m), nascut/born ~2011, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.
GEORGE a fost gasit cu o muscatura infectata la ureche din care curgea sange amestecat cu puroi. Din momentul in care a fost luat in brate, pentru a fi dus la veterinar, a inceput sa toarca si sa se alinte, fericit ca e bagat in seama. Este un pisoi foarte bland, iubitor si cuminte, ce a rabdat cu stoicism tratamentul pentru rana de la ureche, fapt pentru care acum este si vindecat aproape complet. George este prea bland ca sa se intoarca in strada, ajutati-l cu un SHARE daca nu il puteti adopta sau caza temporar!
GEORGE had a very nasty ear infection when he was found, as a result of having been bitten by another cat or by a dog. The moment he was picked up to be taken to the vet he started purring and playing nice. He is a very gentle and kind tomcat, who was really well behaved when receiving the treatment for his infection, this is why he is now almost completely cured. George is too loving and trusting to survive on the streets of Bucharest. Please help him by SHAREing his story if you cannot adopt/foster!
GEORGE (m), nascut/born ~2011, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, neutered, litter box trained.
GEORGE a fost gasit cu o muscatura infectata la ureche din care curgea sange amestecat cu puroi. Din momentul in care a fost luat in brate, pentru a fi dus la veterinar, a inceput sa toarca si sa se alinte, fericit ca e bagat in seama. Este un pisoi foarte bland, iubitor si cuminte, ce a rabdat cu stoicism tratamentul pentru rana de la ureche, fapt pentru care acum este si vindecat aproape complet. George este prea bland ca sa se intoarca in strada, ajutati-l cu un SHARE daca nu il puteti adopta sau caza temporar!
GEORGE had a very nasty ear infection when he was found, as a result of having been bitten by another cat or by a dog. The moment he was picked up to be taken to the vet he started purring and playing nice. He is a very gentle and kind tomcat, who was really well behaved when receiving the treatment for his infection, this is why he is now almost completely cured. George is too loving and trusting to survive on the streets of Bucharest. Please help him by SHAREing his story if you cannot adopt/foster!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
UPDATE 24.01.2013. Astazi Dl. Dr. Grosu ne-a transmis rezultatele citirii noului RMN al Herei, de la colegii sai de la Royal College. Din pacate, vestile nu sunt imbucuratoare, concluzia la care au ajuns doctorii este ca hera sufera de o posibila usoara atrofie cerebeloasa. Iar problemele ei isi au baza in disfunctii metabolice sau intr-o toxicoza.
Se recomanda efectuarea unor analize CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis), asta ar insemna o noua anestezie pentru prelevarea culturii prin intermediul unei punctii in zona cervicala, ceea ce presupune un risc destul de mare la care sa fie supusa Hera. Maine vom discuta in amanunt cu dr. Stefan pentru a vedea care este cea mai buna solutie pentru Hera si va vom tine la current cu evolutia ei.
Today Dr. Grosu sent us the results of the reading of the MRI images at Royal College. Sadly, the news are nor good, Hera seems to be suffering of a mild cerebellar atrophy. Her problems seem to be caused by an underlying metabolic disorder or a toxicosis. Recommendations are to have Hera take a CSF Analysis (Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis) and culture. This would mean Hera would have to be put again under anesthetic so that spinal fluid can be drawn by puncture, this could be very dangerous for her. Tomorrow we will talk with Dr. Stefan in detail on how to proceed from here on. We will keep you all updated on her situation.
HERA este o catelusa batrana(~10 ani), care are nevoie disperata de o casa linistita si plina de dragoste. A avut o viata groaznica pana acum si chiar merita o poveste cu final fericit. Este o catelusa foarte cuminte, educata, care nu latra si care se intelege bine cu oameni, caini si chiar si pisici.
Nu are nevoie decat de plimbari scurte si de un camin cald unde sa se simta iubita si in siguranta. Cautam o persoana responsabila, care sa o adopte
POVETEA EI: A fost gasita in parcul Herastrau de niste voluntari ai Peace Corps, care au salvat-o din lac, unde cazuse. Acestia au dus-o la veterinar, dar dupa investigatii si din cauza ca era in stare de soc, avea probleme aparent neurologice si ei urmau sa plece din tara in curand au dorit sa o eutanasieze. Doctorii nu au fost de acord cu eutanasierea unui caine aparent sanatos si au insistat pe langa proprietari sa i se faca un RMN si pana la urma i-au convins. Insa RMN-ul facut nu a fost unul de calitate si nici cu substanta de contrast, asa ca nu a ajutat la determinarea starii ei. La plecarea acestora din Romania Hera(Hellen pe atunci) a ajuns la o alta persoana, care, dupa ~1 luna a decis si ea ca Hera trebuie eutanasiata, pentru ca o deranja prezenta ei(desi Hera este un caine calm, cuminte, care nu latra si nu este deloc agitat).
CUM AM AJUNS NOI SA O AJUTAM: La jumatatea lunii decembrie, in urma unui apel disperat de la o cunsotinta, am incercat sa ajutam aceasta catelusa sa traiasca. Am primit atunci zeci de cereri de adoptie, majoritatea venite de la oameni care au reactionat strict din impuls. Primul adoptator a returnat-o in mai putin de 24 de ore pentru ca mai avea 2 caini, care erau agresivi cu Hera. Din acel moment Hera a fost internata la cabinetul veterinar HappyPet, pentru a fi tinuta sub supraveghere.
STAREA EI ACUM: Din momentul internarii Hera a fost trecuta pe un complex de B-uri si s-a incercat stabilirea cauzei tremurului pe care il avea la nivelul capului. In data de 05.01.2013 a fost dusa la radiografie, unde s-a speriat si stresat destul de tare. Desi radiografiile au iesit bine, in acea seara Hera a avut o criza epileptiforma, de pe urma careia si-a pierdut vederea pentru 3 zile. Dupa multiple incercari am reusit sa dam intr-un final de RMN-ul facut la prima clinica unde fusese tratata, l-am trimis la un speicalist din Germania, dar din cauza faptului ca RMN-ul fusese facut prost si fara substanta de contrast, acesta nu a putut fi citit.
Din cauza crizei de tip epileptic, a tremurului capului si a varstei, consideram ca cel mai bine ar fi ca viitorii stapani sa stie care este exact problema acestei cateluse si sa fie adoptata doar dupa ce i s-a pus un diagnostic. Pentru aceasta ea are nevoie de un RMN facut corect, care sa poate fi citit si interpretat.
Tratamentul Herei acum: tratamanet pentru sustinerea sistemului nervos centralcu Karhivan si Piracetam si de asemenea un complex de Vitamina B, Milgam.
DE CE ARE NEVOIE: o familie intelegatoare si iubitoare, care sa ii ofere dragostea pe care o merita pentru ultimii ei ani de viata.
CUM PUTETI AJUTA: Adoptand-o si oferindu-i astfel o sansa la o viata normala!
HERA is a senior (~ 10 years old) female dog, that desperately needs a safe and loving home. She had an
awful life until now and she truly deserves a peaceful old age. Hera is a very good dog, educated,well behaved, doesn't bark , she interacts well with humans, dogs and cats. She only needs short walks and a warm place to stay, where she can feel safe and loved. We are looking for a responsible person that wants to adopt her.
HER STORY: She was first found by some volunteers of the Peace Corps, that were walking through Herastrau and noticed she fell into the lake. They fished her and took her to the vet. As she was in a state of shock, she could not see and was disoriented; the vets ran a whole panel of test on her to establish what the cause was. All results came out right, but Hera still had a tremor of the head.
The vets there asked for an MRI but the owners were not convinced it was needed and delayed to give their ok for the MRI to be done. They, instead, considered Hera (called Hellen at that time) needed to be put down, as they had no interest in keeping her, as they were leaving for the USA in a short while.
They looked for someone to keep her after they were gone and this is how Hera was moved to a second owner, who after 1 month also decided that the best solution for Hera was euthanasia as they considered she was too big for the apartment and constantly standing in their way (even though Hera is a peaceful and calm medium size dog that doesn't bother anyone with anything).
SINCE WE STARTED TO HELP: In December we posted a picture of Hera in order to save her from being put to sleep. We received an incredible number of adoption requests for the dog, most of them from people that acted based on first impulse. The first adopter gave Hera up in less than 24 hours after adoption, because the he had two other dogs that supposedly were aggressive with Hera and since then she is in our care, fostered at a vet clinic we work with.
HER HEALTH CONDITION NOW: At the clinic, Hera received vitamin shots daily and the doctors performed investigations to establish the condition she is in, due to her age and head trembling. On 05.01.2013 the doctors performed an X-ray and the results proved that the dog doesn't have any problems with the spinal cord. Unfortunately, because she was very stressed during the x-ray, that night Hera had an epileptic type seizure that left her blind for three days. After lots of attempts we managed to receive the MRI the was made when she was still with her first owners. We sent it to a specialist in Germany, but because the MRI wasn't done properly the doctor could not read and said it needs repeating.
Because of the seizure, the head trembling and her age, the vets consider that it would be best for her and for her future owner to know exactly what is her condition and if there is any treatment that would help her feel better. In order to put a diagnosis Hera needs a proper MRI that the doctors would be able to read.
Hera's treatment now: a support treatment for her central nervous system with Karhivan and Piracetam and also Milgam, a complex of Vitamin B.
WHAT SHE NEEDS: A loving and safe family, able to offer her a peaceful old age.
ÜBER HERA: Hera ist eine alte Hündin(cca. 10 Jahre alt) die auf der Suche nach einer liebevollen, verantwortlichen Familie ist. Sie hat viel in ihrem Leben gelitten und verdient jetzt ein schönes Ende zu ihrer Geschichte. Sie ist ein sehr guter Hund, gut erzogen, bellt nicht & ist sozial mit Menschen. Sie kommt auch gut zurrecht mit anderen Hunden und Katzen. Sie braucht nur kurze Spaziergänge und ein warmes Plaetzchen, wo sie sich sicher und geliebt fühlen kann.
IHRE GESCHICHTE: Im Dezember veroeffentlichten wir ein Bild von Hera, einem Hund, der nicht mehr von seinen Besitzern erwuenscht war und deshalb haette eingeschlaefert werden sollen. Die Nachricht war nicht gedacht um Leute zu beeindrucken, es war nicht unsere Entscheidung, wir wollten diesem Hunde nur helfen. Wir haben eine unglaubliche Anzahl von Adoptionsanfragen für diesen Hund erhalten - die meisten von ihnen von Menschen, die aus einem Impulse zum Helfen reagiert haben. Seitdem hatte sie zwei gescheiterte Adoptionen. Die erste geschah weniger als 24 Stunden nachdem sie in ihr neues zuhause war, da die neue Familie zwei andere Hunde hatte, die anscheinend aggressiv mit Hera waren. Die zweite Person hat aufgehoert unserer Anrufe oder Nachrichten anzunehmen, an dem Tag an welchem sie Hera in der Tierklinik, wo sie gefostert wurde, besuchen sollte.
IHR ZUSTAND: In der Klinik erhielt Hera Vitamine und die Ärzte führten Untersuchungen durch, um sich ein Bild ueber ihren Zustand machen zu koennen, und wegen ihres Alters, und weil ihr Kopf zitterte. Am 2013.05.01 führten man Roentgenaufnahmen durch, und die Ergebnisse bewiesen, dass der Hund keine Probleme mit dem Rückenmark hat. Leider, weil sie während der Roentgenaufnahmen zu gestresst war, erlitt Hera in der Nacht einen epileptischen - aehnlichen Anfall, welchen sie blind für drei Tage gelassen hat. Nach vielen Versuchen gelang es uns, ein MRI von ihrem ersten Besitzer zu erhalten. Wir schickten es zu einem Spezialisten in Deutschland, aber weil das MRI nicht ordnungsgemäß durchgefuehrt wurde, konnte der Arzt es nicht lesen und riet es zu wiederholen. Jetzt besteht ihre behandlung aus: KARHINAN und PIRACETAM – Unterstützung für Ihr Nervesystem – und MILGAM – ein B-Komplex.
UPDATE 24.01.2013. Astazi Dl. Dr. Grosu ne-a transmis rezultatele citirii noului RMN al Herei, de la colegii sai de la Royal College. Din pacate, vestile nu sunt imbucuratoare, concluzia la care au ajuns doctorii este ca hera sufera de o posibila usoara atrofie cerebeloasa. Iar problemele ei isi au baza in disfunctii metabolice sau intr-o toxicoza.
Se recomanda efectuarea unor analize CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis), asta ar insemna o noua anestezie pentru prelevarea culturii prin intermediul unei punctii in zona cervicala, ceea ce presupune un risc destul de mare la care sa fie supusa Hera. Maine vom discuta in amanunt cu dr. Stefan pentru a vedea care este cea mai buna solutie pentru Hera si va vom tine la current cu evolutia ei.


Today Dr. Grosu sent us the results of the reading of the MRI images at Royal College. Sadly, the news are nor good, Hera seems to be suffering of a mild cerebellar atrophy. Her problems seem to be caused by an underlying metabolic disorder or a toxicosis. Recommendations are to have Hera take a CSF Analysis (Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis) and culture. This would mean Hera would have to be put again under anesthetic so that spinal fluid can be drawn by puncture, this could be very dangerous for her. Tomorrow we will talk with Dr. Stefan in detail on how to proceed from here on. We will keep you all updated on her situation.
HERA este o catelusa batrana(~10 ani), care are nevoie disperata de o casa linistita si plina de dragoste. A avut o viata groaznica pana acum si chiar merita o poveste cu final fericit. Este o catelusa foarte cuminte, educata, care nu latra si care se intelege bine cu oameni, caini si chiar si pisici.
Nu are nevoie decat de plimbari scurte si de un camin cald unde sa se simta iubita si in siguranta. Cautam o persoana responsabila, care sa o adopte
POVETEA EI: A fost gasita in parcul Herastrau de niste voluntari ai Peace Corps, care au salvat-o din lac, unde cazuse. Acestia au dus-o la veterinar, dar dupa investigatii si din cauza ca era in stare de soc, avea probleme aparent neurologice si ei urmau sa plece din tara in curand au dorit sa o eutanasieze. Doctorii nu au fost de acord cu eutanasierea unui caine aparent sanatos si au insistat pe langa proprietari sa i se faca un RMN si pana la urma i-au convins. Insa RMN-ul facut nu a fost unul de calitate si nici cu substanta de contrast, asa ca nu a ajutat la determinarea starii ei. La plecarea acestora din Romania Hera(Hellen pe atunci) a ajuns la o alta persoana, care, dupa ~1 luna a decis si ea ca Hera trebuie eutanasiata, pentru ca o deranja prezenta ei(desi Hera este un caine calm, cuminte, care nu latra si nu este deloc agitat).
CUM AM AJUNS NOI SA O AJUTAM: La jumatatea lunii decembrie, in urma unui apel disperat de la o cunsotinta, am incercat sa ajutam aceasta catelusa sa traiasca. Am primit atunci zeci de cereri de adoptie, majoritatea venite de la oameni care au reactionat strict din impuls. Primul adoptator a returnat-o in mai putin de 24 de ore pentru ca mai avea 2 caini, care erau agresivi cu Hera. Din acel moment Hera a fost internata la cabinetul veterinar HappyPet, pentru a fi tinuta sub supraveghere.
STAREA EI ACUM: Din momentul internarii Hera a fost trecuta pe un complex de B-uri si s-a incercat stabilirea cauzei tremurului pe care il avea la nivelul capului. In data de 05.01.2013 a fost dusa la radiografie, unde s-a speriat si stresat destul de tare. Desi radiografiile au iesit bine, in acea seara Hera a avut o criza epileptiforma, de pe urma careia si-a pierdut vederea pentru 3 zile. Dupa multiple incercari am reusit sa dam intr-un final de RMN-ul facut la prima clinica unde fusese tratata, l-am trimis la un speicalist din Germania, dar din cauza faptului ca RMN-ul fusese facut prost si fara substanta de contrast, acesta nu a putut fi citit.
Din cauza crizei de tip epileptic, a tremurului capului si a varstei, consideram ca cel mai bine ar fi ca viitorii stapani sa stie care este exact problema acestei cateluse si sa fie adoptata doar dupa ce i s-a pus un diagnostic. Pentru aceasta ea are nevoie de un RMN facut corect, care sa poate fi citit si interpretat.
Tratamentul Herei acum: tratamanet pentru sustinerea sistemului nervos centralcu Karhivan si Piracetam si de asemenea un complex de Vitamina B, Milgam.
DE CE ARE NEVOIE: o familie intelegatoare si iubitoare, care sa ii ofere dragostea pe care o merita pentru ultimii ei ani de viata.
CUM PUTETI AJUTA: Adoptand-o si oferindu-i astfel o sansa la o viata normala!
HERA is a senior (~ 10 years old) female dog, that desperately needs a safe and loving home. She had an
awful life until now and she truly deserves a peaceful old age. Hera is a very good dog, educated,well behaved, doesn't bark , she interacts well with humans, dogs and cats. She only needs short walks and a warm place to stay, where she can feel safe and loved. We are looking for a responsible person that wants to adopt her.
HER STORY: She was first found by some volunteers of the Peace Corps, that were walking through Herastrau and noticed she fell into the lake. They fished her and took her to the vet. As she was in a state of shock, she could not see and was disoriented; the vets ran a whole panel of test on her to establish what the cause was. All results came out right, but Hera still had a tremor of the head.
The vets there asked for an MRI but the owners were not convinced it was needed and delayed to give their ok for the MRI to be done. They, instead, considered Hera (called Hellen at that time) needed to be put down, as they had no interest in keeping her, as they were leaving for the USA in a short while.
They looked for someone to keep her after they were gone and this is how Hera was moved to a second owner, who after 1 month also decided that the best solution for Hera was euthanasia as they considered she was too big for the apartment and constantly standing in their way (even though Hera is a peaceful and calm medium size dog that doesn't bother anyone with anything).
SINCE WE STARTED TO HELP: In December we posted a picture of Hera in order to save her from being put to sleep. We received an incredible number of adoption requests for the dog, most of them from people that acted based on first impulse. The first adopter gave Hera up in less than 24 hours after adoption, because the he had two other dogs that supposedly were aggressive with Hera and since then she is in our care, fostered at a vet clinic we work with.
HER HEALTH CONDITION NOW: At the clinic, Hera received vitamin shots daily and the doctors performed investigations to establish the condition she is in, due to her age and head trembling. On 05.01.2013 the doctors performed an X-ray and the results proved that the dog doesn't have any problems with the spinal cord. Unfortunately, because she was very stressed during the x-ray, that night Hera had an epileptic type seizure that left her blind for three days. After lots of attempts we managed to receive the MRI the was made when she was still with her first owners. We sent it to a specialist in Germany, but because the MRI wasn't done properly the doctor could not read and said it needs repeating.
Because of the seizure, the head trembling and her age, the vets consider that it would be best for her and for her future owner to know exactly what is her condition and if there is any treatment that would help her feel better. In order to put a diagnosis Hera needs a proper MRI that the doctors would be able to read.
Hera's treatment now: a support treatment for her central nervous system with Karhivan and Piracetam and also Milgam, a complex of Vitamin B.
WHAT SHE NEEDS: A loving and safe family, able to offer her a peaceful old age.
ÜBER HERA: Hera ist eine alte Hündin(cca. 10 Jahre alt) die auf der Suche nach einer liebevollen, verantwortlichen Familie ist. Sie hat viel in ihrem Leben gelitten und verdient jetzt ein schönes Ende zu ihrer Geschichte. Sie ist ein sehr guter Hund, gut erzogen, bellt nicht & ist sozial mit Menschen. Sie kommt auch gut zurrecht mit anderen Hunden und Katzen. Sie braucht nur kurze Spaziergänge und ein warmes Plaetzchen, wo sie sich sicher und geliebt fühlen kann.
IHRE GESCHICHTE: Im Dezember veroeffentlichten wir ein Bild von Hera, einem Hund, der nicht mehr von seinen Besitzern erwuenscht war und deshalb haette eingeschlaefert werden sollen. Die Nachricht war nicht gedacht um Leute zu beeindrucken, es war nicht unsere Entscheidung, wir wollten diesem Hunde nur helfen. Wir haben eine unglaubliche Anzahl von Adoptionsanfragen für diesen Hund erhalten - die meisten von ihnen von Menschen, die aus einem Impulse zum Helfen reagiert haben. Seitdem hatte sie zwei gescheiterte Adoptionen. Die erste geschah weniger als 24 Stunden nachdem sie in ihr neues zuhause war, da die neue Familie zwei andere Hunde hatte, die anscheinend aggressiv mit Hera waren. Die zweite Person hat aufgehoert unserer Anrufe oder Nachrichten anzunehmen, an dem Tag an welchem sie Hera in der Tierklinik, wo sie gefostert wurde, besuchen sollte.
IHR ZUSTAND: In der Klinik erhielt Hera Vitamine und die Ärzte führten Untersuchungen durch, um sich ein Bild ueber ihren Zustand machen zu koennen, und wegen ihres Alters, und weil ihr Kopf zitterte. Am 2013.05.01 führten man Roentgenaufnahmen durch, und die Ergebnisse bewiesen, dass der Hund keine Probleme mit dem Rückenmark hat. Leider, weil sie während der Roentgenaufnahmen zu gestresst war, erlitt Hera in der Nacht einen epileptischen - aehnlichen Anfall, welchen sie blind für drei Tage gelassen hat. Nach vielen Versuchen gelang es uns, ein MRI von ihrem ersten Besitzer zu erhalten. Wir schickten es zu einem Spezialisten in Deutschland, aber weil das MRI nicht ordnungsgemäß durchgefuehrt wurde, konnte der Arzt es nicht lesen und riet es zu wiederholen. Jetzt besteht ihre behandlung aus: KARHINAN und PIRACETAM – Unterstützung für Ihr Nervesystem – und MILGAM – ein B-Komplex.
GANDACEL (m) nascut/born: ~04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
Pe GANDACEL l-am gasit in luna iunie, piele si os pe marginea unei sosele circulate, era atat de slabit incat nu se putea misca de pe loc, abia se tinea pe labute. Avea o micoza, probleme la gingie si era racit. A stat internat timp de 2 saptamani, dupa care a fost preluat de noi si a urmat tratament. Dupa 4 luni de tratament Gandacel este acum sanatos, iubitor si torcator si pregatit sa plece acasa. Este cel mai bland si cuminte pisic, nu se agita prea mult, desi arata ca o pantera veritabila, si ii place foarte mult sa fie iubit.
LITTLE BUG was found on the side of a very busy street, he was so weak he could not move at all. He had a mycosis, problems with his gums and a cold. He was kept at the vet for 2 weeks and after that he continued treatment in our care. Now, after 4 months he has grown into a little handsome panther, but is still very gentle and not a very playful cat, he enjoys it more to be caressed and loved.
GANDACEL (m) nascut/born: ~04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
Pe GANDACEL l-am gasit in luna iunie, piele si os pe marginea unei sosele circulate, era atat de slabit incat nu se putea misca de pe loc, abia se tinea pe labute. Avea o micoza, probleme la gingie si era racit. A stat internat timp de 2 saptamani, dupa care a fost preluat de noi si a urmat tratament. Dupa 4 luni de tratament Gandacel este acum sanatos, iubitor si torcator si pregatit sa plece acasa. Este cel mai bland si cuminte pisic, nu se agita prea mult, desi arata ca o pantera veritabila, si ii place foarte mult sa fie iubit.
LITTLE BUG was found on the side of a very busy street, he was so weak he could not move at all. He had a mycosis, problems with his gums and a cold. He was kept at the vet for 2 weeks and after that he continued treatment in our care. Now, after 4 months he has grown into a little handsome panther, but is still very gentle and not a very playful cat, he enjoys it more to be caressed and loved.
BERNARD (m) nascut/born: ~15.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Bernard a ajuns in grija noastra cu o fractura la o labuta din spate ( Desi fractura era destul de urata si veche, a fost operat cu succes. Bernard a ramas cu un mic schiopatat, insa nu este o problema care sa ii afecteze capacitatea de a merge sau a se juca. El este un motanel sociabil, afectuos, extrem de torcacios si, desigur, jucaus, ca orice pisoi de varsta lui. Bernard este in cautarea unei familii responsabile si iubitoare.
Bernard arrived into our care with a fractured hind leg. Even though it was a very ugly and old fracture, the surgery was a succes. He has a little limp at the injured leg, but is not a problem that is affecting him. He is an extremely sweet, gentle and purring tomcat, and of course, a very playful one, like any kitten his age. Bernard is looking for a loving and responsible family.
BERNARD (m) nascut/born: ~15.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Bernard a ajuns in grija noastra cu o fractura la o labuta din spate ( Desi fractura era destul de urata si veche, a fost operat cu succes. Bernard a ramas cu un mic schiopatat, insa nu este o problema care sa ii afecteze capacitatea de a merge sau a se juca. El este un motanel sociabil, afectuos, extrem de torcacios si, desigur, jucaus, ca orice pisoi de varsta lui. Bernard este in cautarea unei familii responsabile si iubitoare.
Bernard arrived into our care with a fractured hind leg. Even though it was a very ugly and old fracture, the surgery was a succes. He has a little limp at the injured leg, but is not a problem that is affecting him. He is an extremely sweet, gentle and purring tomcat, and of course, a very playful one, like any kitten his age. Bernard is looking for a loving and responsible family.
ARYA (f) nascuta/born: ~01.08.2013, deparazitata, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN bellow) ARYA este una dintre cele mai dulci si lipicioase pisicute pe care le-am avut in grija. Adora oamenii si incepe sa toarca imediat cum te uiti la ea. Cand are chef de alintat face orice ca sa iti atraga atentia si este absolut imposibil sa ii rezisti si sa nu incepi sa ii mangai blanita moale. Daca stai la calculator sau te uiti la un film vine cumite si ti se cuibareste in brate, torcand cu motorasele pornite la maxim. Este cu adevarat o pisicuta minunata si tot ce are nevoie acum este o familie pe masura, care sa o iubeasca si sa o rasfete asa cum merita.
ARYA is one of the sweetest and most attached kittens we've ever encountered. She adores humans and starts purring just by glancing at her. And forget about doing anything else other than petting her while she's awake, she'll do anything to get your attention and your hands on her soft coat. Sitting at the computer or watching a movie, you can bet she'll be there, with the purring motors going in full swing. She's a truly awesome kitten and all she needs is a matching family, to love and cherish her as much as she deserve.
ARYA (f) nascuta/born: ~01.08.2013, deparazitata, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN bellow) ARYA este una dintre cele mai dulci si lipicioase pisicute pe care le-am avut in grija. Adora oamenii si incepe sa toarca imediat cum te uiti la ea. Cand are chef de alintat face orice ca sa iti atraga atentia si este absolut imposibil sa ii rezisti si sa nu incepi sa ii mangai blanita moale. Daca stai la calculator sau te uiti la un film vine cumite si ti se cuibareste in brate, torcand cu motorasele pornite la maxim. Este cu adevarat o pisicuta minunata si tot ce are nevoie acum este o familie pe masura, care sa o iubeasca si sa o rasfete asa cum merita.
ARYA is one of the sweetest and most attached kittens we've ever encountered. She adores humans and starts purring just by glancing at her. And forget about doing anything else other than petting her while she's awake, she'll do anything to get your attention and your hands on her soft coat. Sitting at the computer or watching a movie, you can bet she'll be there, with the purring motors going in full swing. She's a truly awesome kitten and all she needs is a matching family, to love and cherish her as much as she deserve.
ALBUŞA- (f), nascuta/born 2011, deparazitata, educata la litiera, sterilizata, surda / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered, deaf
ALBUŞA este o pisica foarte blanda si rasfatata, care, desi a trait pe strada in ultimul an, este foarte increzatoare in oameni. E adevarat ca este surda, dar, avand in vedere ca nu este o pisica foarte mieunatoare, nu conteaza foarte mult, atata timp cat ar trai intr-un apartament. Din pacate cei care au gasit-o si au cazat-o la cabinetul Radius Vet nu au posibilitatea de a o adopta, asa ca in urmatoarea saptamana o vor duce inapoi in strada, si chiar daca pana acum a avut noroc, sansele de supravietuire pe strada ale unei pisici surde sunt minime. Va rugam ajutati-o cu un SHARE, daca nu o puteti adopta.
EGG WHITE is a loving, friendly and very trusting cat. Even though she is deaf she managed to survive a year on the streets, but, as the people who found her and brought her to the vet cannot keep her, her chances of reaching old age on the streets are really slim. Please help SHARE her story, if you cannot offer her a forever home!
ALBUŞA- (f), nascuta/born 2011, deparazitata, educata la litiera, sterilizata, surda / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered, deaf
ALBUŞA este o pisica foarte blanda si rasfatata, care, desi a trait pe strada in ultimul an, este foarte increzatoare in oameni. E adevarat ca este surda, dar, avand in vedere ca nu este o pisica foarte mieunatoare, nu conteaza foarte mult, atata timp cat ar trai intr-un apartament. Din pacate cei care au gasit-o si au cazat-o la cabinetul Radius Vet nu au posibilitatea de a o adopta, asa ca in urmatoarea saptamana o vor duce inapoi in strada, si chiar daca pana acum a avut noroc, sansele de supravietuire pe strada ale unei pisici surde sunt minime. Va rugam ajutati-o cu un SHARE, daca nu o puteti adopta.
EGG WHITE is a loving, friendly and very trusting cat. Even though she is deaf she managed to survive a year on the streets, but, as the people who found her and brought her to the vet cannot keep her, her chances of reaching old age on the streets are really slim. Please help SHARE her story, if you cannot offer her a forever home!
PEONY (f) nascut/born: ~03.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
PEONY a fost gasita pe strada intr-o zona cu multi caini, dar ea nu parea deranjata sau speriata de acestia si se tinea dupa fiecare om care ii dadea putina atentie, in speranta ca va fi luata acasa. Asa a ajuns Peony, zisa si Gingasie, in grija noastra. Este, ca orice pui, tare jucausa, dar cum apare un om in peisaj uita de joaca si ceilalti pisici si vine sa se alinte si sa toarca si doarma in brate.
PEONY was found on the street in an area with a lot of stray dogs, but she was neither scared nor interested in dogs, instead she was very interested in humans, following them around, hoping that one will take her home, and so it happened. She is very playful, like every kitten her age, but also really gentle towards humans and would gladly give up play with her fellow kittens for a good belly scratch and purring session in her owners lap.
SHALI - (f), nascuta/born 2012, deparazitata, educata la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
SHALI este in grija noastra din data de 6 Iunie. Cand am gasit-o, parasita alaturi de cei 6 pui ai ei intr-o cutie langa scarile unei biserici, era ingrijita de catre un om al strazii, care, din putinul lui, le cumparase mancare pentru pisici si lapte. Este de departe cea mai iubitoare si blanda pisica. Iubeste sa fie in centrul atentiei, sa fie alintata si mangaiata. Se tine dupa noi prin casa, cersind atentie si iubire!
SHALI was taken in our care on the 6th of June, when we found her and her 5 kittens,abandoned in a box in front of a church. A homeless man had taken care of her for two days and had bought milk and cat food for them from what little he had. Now, after almost 2 weeks in our care the kittens are growing up nice and healthy and soon Shali is the most loving and gentle cat. She craves human attention and tails you like a dog through the house in order to get caressed and pampered.
SHALI - (f), nascuta/born 2012, deparazitata, educata la litiera, sterilizata / dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
SHALI este in grija noastra din data de 6 Iunie. Cand am gasit-o, parasita alaturi de cei 6 pui ai ei intr-o cutie langa scarile unei biserici, era ingrijita de catre un om al strazii, care, din putinul lui, le cumparase mancare pentru pisici si lapte. Este de departe cea mai iubitoare si blanda pisica. Iubeste sa fie in centrul atentiei, sa fie alintata si mangaiata. Se tine dupa noi prin casa, cersind atentie si iubire!
SHALI was taken in our care on the 6th of June, when we found her and her 5 kittens,abandoned in a box in front of a church. A homeless man had taken care of her for two days and had bought milk and cat food for them from what little he had. Now, after almost 2 weeks in our care the kittens are growing up nice and healthy and soon Shali is the most loving and gentle cat. She craves human attention and tails you like a dog through the house in order to get caressed and pampered.
GĂLUŞCA, pisica pentru adoptie | cat for adoption
GĂLUŞCA (f), nascuta/born ~ 2008, deparazitata, invatat la litiera, castrat/ dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
Găluşca e o pisica grasunica, in floarea varstei, foarte vorbareata si cu chef de alintat. Raspunde cand vorbesti cu ea, uneori vorbeste si neintrebata si vine repejor daca simte ca e bagata in seama. Are blanita alba in general, avand o pata de culoare pe breton si codita. E o pisica tare draguta, in cautarea familiei perfecte.
Dumpling is a chubby cat, in her prime, very talkative and always ready for a cuddle. She answers when you talk to her, sometimes she talks by herself, and always rushes to you is she feels you're paying attention to her. Her fur is mostly white, having a dash of colour on her head and tail. She's a sweet cat, looking for her perfect family.
GĂLUŞCA (f), nascuta/born ~ 2008, deparazitata, invatat la litiera, castrat/ dewormed, litter box trained, neutered
Găluşca e o pisica grasunica, in floarea varstei, foarte vorbareata si cu chef de alintat. Raspunde cand vorbesti cu ea, uneori vorbeste si neintrebata si vine repejor daca simte ca e bagata in seama. Are blanita alba in general, avand o pata de culoare pe breton si codita. E o pisica tare draguta, in cautarea familiei perfecte.
Dumpling is a chubby cat, in her prime, very talkative and always ready for a cuddle. She answers when you talk to her, sometimes she talks by herself, and always rushes to you is she feels you're paying attention to her. Her fur is mostly white, having a dash of colour on her head and tail. She's a sweet cat, looking for her perfect family.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
ROLLI (f) nascuta/born ~30.05.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
ROLLI este cea mai energica si jucausa pisica mica din grija noastra, dar si cea mai pupacioasa si iubareata. Ii place sa doarma intinsa in jurul gatului, ca un fular, in brate, facuta cololos ca o pernuta sau pe piept intiiiiinzandu-se. Am gasit-o pe strada in fata magazinului Rolex, unde probabil cauta un "tatic" care sa o ingrijeasca, dar, din pacate, inca nu si-a gasit o familie adoptiva care sa o iubeasca si alinte. Daca nu o puteti adopta, ajutati-o pe Rolli cu un SHARE!
ROLLI is the most energetic and playful of all the kittens in our care, but she is also the most loving and spoiled one. She loves to sleep around the neck like a scar or streeeeeetched on your chest. We found her on the street in front of the Rolex shop, where she was probably looking for a "sugar daddy", but, unfortunately she has not yet found a loving home. If you cannot adopt Rolli, please help her by SHAREing her story!
ROLLI (f) nascuta/born ~30.05.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained.
ROLLI este cea mai energica si jucausa pisica mica din grija noastra, dar si cea mai pupacioasa si iubareata. Ii place sa doarma intinsa in jurul gatului, ca un fular, in brate, facuta cololos ca o pernuta sau pe piept intiiiiinzandu-se. Am gasit-o pe strada in fata magazinului Rolex, unde probabil cauta un "tatic" care sa o ingrijeasca, dar, din pacate, inca nu si-a gasit o familie adoptiva care sa o iubeasca si alinte. Daca nu o puteti adopta, ajutati-o pe Rolli cu un SHARE!
ROLLI is the most energetic and playful of all the kittens in our care, but she is also the most loving and spoiled one. She loves to sleep around the neck like a scar or streeeeeetched on your chest. We found her on the street in front of the Rolex shop, where she was probably looking for a "sugar daddy", but, unfortunately she has not yet found a loving home. If you cannot adopt Rolli, please help her by SHAREing her story!
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