MARTIN (mascul/male)- nascut/born: ~2002
(EN bellow) Martin este un motan birmanez in varsta de 10 ani pe care l-am gasit intr-un copac langa o statie de metrou. Imediat ce ne-am apropiat de el a coborat si a inceput sa se alinte.
Era foarte flamand ( a mancat niste pufuleti pe care probabil ii scapase un copil pe jos), murdar
si foarte debusolat dar asta nu l-a impiedicat sa inceapa sa toarca in momentul in care a fost luat in brate. Este invatat cu oamenii si cu viata de apartament si in mod sigur pana de curand a avut o familie. In perioada cat a stat pe strada s-a ales si cu o bronsita si pentru inca o saptamana va mai urma tratament medical. Pentru moment se afla in cazare temporara, dar are nevoie de o familie alaturi de care sa isi petreaca a doua jumatate a vietii.
Martin is a 10 years old birman tomcat that was found in a tree near a subway station. When we got near him he climbed down. He was very hungry, dirty and looked very confused, but he immediately started to purr when he was hold. He is used to humans and to living indoors and most sure he has had a family until recently. While living on the streets he contacted bronchitis and he will be under medical treatment for one more week. For now he is in foster care, but he needs a family with whom to spend the second half of his life.
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