CLEMENTINA (f) deparazitata/dewormed, invatata la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below)Ma numesc Clementina, si am fost gasita intr-o seara friguroasa, intr-o statie de masina. De frica unui catel, m-am suit intr-un copac din care de abia m-am putut da jos.
Sunt iubitoare, am stat cuminte in brate pana la locuinta mea
cu motorasele pornite de fericire. Sunt alintata si jucausa, am in jur
de 4 luni, am fost deja deparazitata si stiu sa folosesc litiera. Am
nevoie de o locuinta permanenta, pentru ca cele care m-au salvat mai au
alte doua pisici.
My name is Clementina, and i was found on a cold night, at a bus stop. Because of a dog that scared me, i climbed on a tree and i could barely get down. I am loving and i sat quietly until i got to my temporary home, purring of happiness. Playful, about 4 months old, dewormed, litter box trained. I need a permanent home, as the people that saved me already have 2 more cats.
My name is Clementina, and i was found on a cold night, at a bus stop. Because of a dog that scared me, i climbed on a tree and i could barely get down. I am loving and i sat quietly until i got to my temporary home, purring of happiness. Playful, about 4 months old, dewormed, litter box trained. I need a permanent home, as the people that saved me already have 2 more cats.
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