MILLO & BONSAI (m) - nascut/born: nov. 2012, deparazitat/dewormed, educat la litiera/litter box trained
Cei doi frati au fost luati din curtea unei biserici, dupa ce mama lor fusese otravita.
Initial erau destul de speriati de oameni, dar acum Millo este deja prietenos, iar Bonsai are doar momente cand se sperie, insa, este pe drumul cel bun si in curand va fi si el complet bland. Le-ar placea sa plece acasa impreuna, dar se bucura si daca vor fi adoptati separat.
The two brothers were taken from the yard of a church after their mother was poisoned. At the beginning they were really scared of people, but now Millo is completly confortable with human presence and Bonsai only sometimes gets scared, of sudden moves. It would be great for them to be adopted together, but they can also be adopted separately.
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