[EN below] Povestea micilor alpinisti incepe trist, la fel ca toate povestile puilor nedoriti, dar tocmai intorsatura pe care a luat-o viata lor ne face sa ne placa povestile cu pisici si ne da forta sa continuam ceea ce facem in fiecare zi.

Pisucii au fost aruncati intr-o cutie in apropierea unui popas de tiruri, langa un rau, in zona Abrud. Norocul lor a fost ca la scurt timp(probabil) dupa ce fusesera aruncati ca gunoiul in boschetii de pe marginea drumului, un voluntar al Camerei cu Pisici, Andrei, sa parcheze langa acel boschet. Cand au coborat din masina, doua dintre fetele care calatoreau cu el au auzit miunaturi si au descoperit ca 4 puisori, fara ochi si cu cordonul ombilical inca atasat plangeau de mama focului. Desi mai urmau 4 zile de catarari si trasee montane decizia a fost usoara: Cei patru pui nu puteau ramane acolo.

Astfel, din gunoi aruncat la marginea drumului cei 4 au devenit veritabili alpinisti, au cutrerierat cheile Râmeţului, au poposit noaptea in satul parasit Cheia(jud. Alba), unde au dormit sub cerul liber in sacul de dormit si au venit la Bucuresti pe Transalpina, miunand la curbe.Pisoii, asa mici si slabiti cum erau, au supravietuit toti si au ajuns cu bine in Bucuresti, desi au fost hraniti cu un amestec de lapte cu ou, cu seringa (de Magda si Andra - fara de care sansele puilor ar fi fost foarte mici), tinuti intr-o cutie de carton, noaptea pe munte. Acesti pisoi, numiti (de catre Andrei, Andra si Magda) Râmeţ, Alpin, Magda si Zozo nu sunt doar pisoiasi alpinisti sunt si niste mici luptatori. Luptatori, care merita sa aiba un final de poveste fericit!

The story of our little rock climbers starts like all sad stories of unwanted kittens (or babies for that matter), but the turn that their life took makes us continue our work and also love happy tales about cats. The 4 kittens were thrown in the bushes of a pit stop for trucks, next to a river, they were disposed of in a cardboard box, as if they were garbage. Luck has it that one of our volunteers, Andrei, stopped at that same pit sop, probably only hours after they had been abandoned there.Even if they had a 4 day climb ahead the decision was easy: The kittens were to come with them, they could not leave them there to die.

And so, from roadside thrash the four became actual mountain climbers: they traveled through Rametului Gorge, spent one very cold night in a sleeping bag in a deserted village (Cheia, Alba County) and finally arrived in Bucharest after crossing the mountains on the Transalpina Road (highest road in Romania), meowing all the way up. They all made it safe and sound to Bucharest, after four days of being fed milk and egg yolks from two seringes and sleeping in a small box under the cold mountain sky, but they wouldn't have stood a chance without the care of Magda and Andra, the two girls who found them and named them: Râmeţ, Alpin, Magda and Zozo. These kittens are not only mountain climbers, but also small fighters who deserve a happy ending to their story!
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