Tuesday, March 12, 2013


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com
FOLLIE - (f), nascuta/born 2012, deparazitata, sterilizata, educata la litiera / dewormed, spayed, litter box trained
Acum cateva saptamani v-o prezentam pe Follie o pisica care a ajuns in grija noastra dupa ce a fost preluata din spatele unui bloc, in principal din dorinta de a o steriliza si a o scapa in acest fel de grija puilor pe viitor. Am luat inca de la inceput in calcul posibilitatea de a o returna in teritoriu, nefiind o pisica foarte sociabila.
Desi a progresat vizibil, Follie este inca piscuta timida. Este cuminte si linistita, insa, de cand a inceput sa capete cat de cat incredere, alterneaza partidele de somn cu unele de joaca mai ceva ca un pui. Cu rabdare si calm ea se destinde si porneste motorasele de tors la mangaieri. Timp de o luna, de cand se afla in grija noastra ea a progresat vizibil, insa fiind vorba de o pisica adulta, nu stim in ce masura va capata vreodata incredere deplina in oameni. Stim ca toti oamenii isi doresc pisici foarte blande si afectuoase, insa am decis sa postam aceste fotografii cu Follie in speranta ca se va gasi acolo undeva o familie care sa doresca sa ii acorde ei o sansa.
A few weeks ago we were introducing to you Follie, a cat that arrived into our care after being taken from the street to be spayed. We took into consideration from the start the possiblity to release her back on the street. Even is made visible progress, she is still a shy cat. She is a calm cat, even is after she started to becom more confident, she also started to play a lot. With patience and care she relaxes and starts purring when being petted. In a month, the time she spent with us, she evolved a lot, but being an adult cat we don't know if she will ever trust people completely. We know that most of the people want very sociable and affectionate cats, but we posted her story and photos, hoping that maybe there is some one out there that wants to offer her a chance.

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