Tuesday, July 16, 2013


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com
REGEL (m) nascut/born: ~01.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
Regel a ajuns in grija noastra acum ceva luni bune. El a fost gasit impreuna cu surioara lui, amandoi avand mari probleme la ochi, cauzate de o rinotraheita netratata la timp.(https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=572176822816559&set=a.492683174099258.115259.296016100432634&type=3&theater) Dupa lungi tratamente si operatii, Regel si-a recapatat vederea in proportie de 95% la unul dintre ochi si in proportie mult mia mica la cel de-al doilea. El va mai urma un tratament cu niste picaturi, care vor mai ajuta putin la "curatarea" ochiului mai afectat. De asemenea pe fondul virusului pe care l-a avut de la o vartsa atat de frageda si a tuturor tratamentelor prin care a trecut, Regel a ramas cu o imunitate mai scazuta. Drept urmare Regel a ramas cu un soi de raceala, pentru care a primit diverse tratamente cu antibiotice, care insa din pacate nu au dat roade, astfel ca din cand in cand ii mai curg ochii si nasul. Medicii ne-au spus ca odata cu cresterea lui si intarirea imunitatii, aceste probleme se vor remedia in timp.
In ciuda tuturor acestor probleme, Regel este unul dintre cei mai afectuosi, blanzi, torcaciosi si jucausi pisoi pe care i-am intalnit si merita cu siguranta o familie pe masura.

Regel was taken into our care a few months ago. He was found together with his sister, suffering from an untreated rhinotracheitis, that damaged the cornea of their eyes. After long treatments and a few surgeries, Regel regained 95% of his vision at one eye. He will undergo a treatment with some eye-drops that will help with the recovery of the more affected eye. Also due to the virus and all the treatments Regel still has a very low immunity. Therefore Regel has a sort of cold, for which he received various treatments with antibiotics that unfortunately have not worked, so occasionally he has runny eyes and nose.
Despite all these problems, Regel is one of the most affectionate, gentle and playful kitten that I met and definitely deserves a family as.

Monday, July 15, 2013


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com
PAULINE (f) nascuta/born: ~01.05.2013, deparazitata, invatata la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained.
PAULINE  este un pic timida la inceput cu oamenii, dar cu rabdre si dragoste se transforma repede intr-o pisicuta extraordinar de dulce. Se relaxeaza imediat cum este mangiata si incepe sa se alinte si sa toarca multuminta. Desi pana la varsta de 2 luni nu a avut contact cu oamenii, traind intr-un subsol, micuta a facut progrese mari de cand este in cazare temporara, s-a adaptat perfect la viata de apartament si se joaca si se alinta din plin, fiind perfecta de luat acasa.
PAULINE is a little bit shy at first but with patience and love she becomes a very sweet kitten. She relaxes quickly when she receives attention and she immediately starts to purr. Although she didn’t have any contact with humans by the age of 2 months, the little kitten has progressed a lot in foster care, she adapted perfectly to living in an apartment, she enjoys playing and cuddling and is now ready to find family.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com

 TAMMY –(f), nascuta/born ~08.2012, deparazitata, vaccinate, sterilizata, educata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litter box trained
MINI- (f), nascuta/born ~ 20.05.2012, deparazitata, vaccinate, sterilizata, educata la litiera / dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litter box trained
(EN bellow) Tammy si Mini sunt doua pisicute adoptate de la noi anul trecut cand erau puiuti. Ele au fost returnate dupa 7 luni, apoi adoptate si returnate din nou dupa 3 saptamani, de ambele dati datorita unor schimbari aparute in viata adoptatorilor. Cele doua pisicute au crescut impreuna si sunt nedespartite, dorm impreuna, se joaca impreuna, se spala una pe cealalta.
Tammy este mai timida la inceput cu oamenii noi si este mult mai relaxata atunci cand o are pe surioara ei Mini alaturi, care o ajuta sa capete incredere.Odata ce se obisnuieste cu noul mediu devine o pisicuta extraordinar de iubitoare, care adora sa ti se urce in brate si sa fie mangaiata.
Mini este o mica printesa, care adora sa fie alintata si rasfatata. Este foarte prietenoasa cu oamenii si iubeste sa fie bagata in seama.
Cele doua pisicute fi adoptate atat impreuna cat si separat. 

Tammy and Mini are two cats who were adopted from us last year, when they were just kittens. They were returned after 7 months, then they were adopted again and returned after 3 weeks, both times due to unpredictable changes that appeared in the adopter’s lives.
The two of them were raised together, they play together, the wash each other. Tammy is a little shy at first in the presence of people, and she's more relaxed when she has her sister, Mini, around her, helping her to become more confident. Once she accommodates to the new environment she becomes really sweet and loving and she enjoys jumping in your arms and being cuddled.
Mini is a little princess, who loves human attention. She is very friendly with people and likes being the center of attention.
The two cats can be adopted together or separately.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com
LIAM (m) nascut/born: ~05.04.2013, deparazitat, invatat la litiera / dewormed, litter box trained
(EN bellow) LIAM este un motanel extraordinar de prietenos si afectuos. Adora sa primeasca atentie si cand il iei in brate incepe imediat sa toarce isi intinde labutele sa te imbratiseze si sa te pupe. Ca orice pisoi de varsta lui, este si jucaus si sportul lui preferat este urmarirea minguitelor prin casa. Este foarte sociabil si se imprieteneste repede atat cu oamenii cat si cu alte pisici. Odata ajuns in foster micutul s-a adaptat imediat la viata de apartament si spera sa isi gaseasca o familie cat mai curand.

LIAM is a very loving and friendly tomcat. He loves to receive attention and when you take him in your arms he immediately starts purring and tries to hug ye adapted perfectly in foster care and he hopes to find a family soon.


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com
OLIVER (m), nascut/born: 06.2012, deparazitat/dewormed, castrat/neutered, educat la litiera/litter box trained
(EN below) Oliver este un motanel mai putin norocos: conform ultimelor investigatii pe care le-am efectuat, se pare ca a suferit un traumatism in primele luni de viata, iar osatura soldului nu s-a sudat corespunzator. Diagnosticul final este cel de fractura consolidata de col femural stang cu subluxatie coxofemurala si sindrom de compresiune medulara cu parapareza cronica ireversibila. Acest lucru inseamna ca fractura este deja sudata gresit, iar dificultatile de mers (parapareza) sunt permanente. Ca in cazul tuturor fracturilor, reversibilitatea ar fi putut garantata numai daca s-ar fi intervenit in primele 10 zile. Din pacate, la momentul la care l-am preluat pe Oliver acest interval fusese deposit demult.

Desi diagnosticul poate parea inspaimantator, exista si unele vesti bune: Oliver nu are incontinenta si isi poate controla nevoile astfel incat sa foloseasca litiera. De asemenea, starea sa nu este una degenerativa, adica dificultatile sale de mers nu se vor agrava in timp. Singura nevoie “speciala” a lui Oliver este aceea de a beneficia de un minim efort suplimentar in ceea ce priveste toaletarea picioruselor din spate. Ca urmare a modului in care merge si foloseste litiera, lipsa unei toalete ar putea provoca in timp escare si risc de infectie. Cu toate acestea, riscul poate fi prevenit usor cu putina atentie suplimentara acordata motanelului.

In pofida dificultatilor pe care le are la mers, Oliver este unul dintre cei mai iubitori, energici si jucausi motani. Se deplaseaza singur la castronelul cu mancare si la litiera, urca si coboara fara ajutor de pe pat si adora sa se joace cu “undita” sau cu orice ghemotoc de hartie care ii atrage atentia. Cand nu se joaca, Oliver toarce de la prima atingere si sta cu burtica in sus pentru a fi mangaiat.
ARE NEVOIE DE O SANSA, o familie iubitoare si responsabila, care sa il accepte asa cum este.

    Oliver is a less fortunate tomcat: according to the latest exams performed on him, it appears that he suffered from a physical trauma in the early months of his life, and the bones of the hip didn’t repair themselves in a proper manner. The final diagnosis is: consolidated fracture of the left femoral neck with coxofemoral subluxation and medular compression syndrome with irreversible chronic paraparesis. This means that the fracture is already wrongly repaired, and his walking difficulties (the paraparesis) are permanent. As with all fractures, the reversibility could have been ensured only if the surgery had been performed within the first 10 days. Unfortunately, at the time when Oliver came into our care, this time-span had already ended.

    Although the diagnosis might seem scary, there is some good news too: Oliver doesn’t have incontinency and is able to control his urinary and defecation needs, so he can use the litter box successfully. Also, his condition is not degenerative, i.e. his walking difficulties won’t get any worse with time. He’s only “special” need is to benefit from a minimal extra effort in toileting his back legs. Given the way he walks and uses the litter box, the lack of a proper toileting might cause lacerations and a risk of infection. However, the risk may be easily prevented with a little extra attention.

    Despite his walking difficulties, Oliver is one of the most loving, energetic and playful tomcats. He goes to the food bowl and to the litter box all by himself, the gets on and off the couch all by himself, and he loves playing with the feathered-stick and with any ball of paper he could find. When he is not playing, Oliver purrs from the second you touch him and places his tummy up to enjoy your petting.

    HE NEEDS A CHANCE, a loving and responsible family, who is willing to accept just as he is.


CONTACT: cameracupisici@gmail.com ---------------------
AMBER (f), nascuta/born ~ 2010, sterilizata, deparazitata, invatat la litiera / neutered, dewormed, litter box trained.
(EN bellow) Amber este o pisica dragalasa, plina de afectiune si chef de tors. Adora sa primeasca atentiedin partea oamenilor, ca o adevarata printesa rasfatata. Amber a fost preluata dintr-un sat deoarece soarta pe care urma sa o aiba era una crunta.Ea urma sa fie dusa pe camp pe motiv ca era gestanta si „umplea gospodaria de puiˮ. Iar cum, in satele din Romania anului 2013, sterilizarea este inca privita cu scepticism sau chiar considerata „un pacatˮ, iata ca abandonul animalelor pe camp ramane singura varianta pe care satenii o considera „acceptabilaˮ si „umanaˮ. Amber a ajuns la Bucuresti, in grija noastra, a fost sterilizata si deparazitata, iar acum asteapta sa isi gaseasca o familie.
Amber is a very sweet cat, with a lot of love and purring sessions to offer. She loves to receive attention from humans, like a true princess. Amber was taken in our care because her faith was going to be awful. She was going to be abandoned on the field because she was pregnant and “was filling the household with kittens”. And because in the Romanian villages of the year 2013, the spaying procedure is still seen with skepticism and is sometimes considered a “sin”, abandoning the animals on the field seems to be the only “acceptable” and “humane” option that the villagers have in mind. Amber is now in Bucharest, in our care,she was spayed and dewormed and is now waiting to find a family.