Monday, September 19, 2016


(EN below) NINA(f) nascuta/born ~20.07.2016, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
NINA este o printesa pufoasa cu blanita semilunga si extrem de matasoasa. A fost gasita tremurand de frica noaptea la roata unei masini si de cand a ajuns in casa a pus stapanire pe canapea si pernute. Noi o alintam Nina Dinamita, datorita energiei si veseliei ei debordante.
NINA is a fluffy princes with long velvety fur. She was found one night on the streets shivering with fear, but as soon as she saw the couch with those comfy pilows the little princes felt right at home. We call her Nina Dyomite because she is one happy and energetic kitten.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

LEMMY, TARJA & JANIS pisoiasi pentru adoptie | kittens for adoption

LEMMY (m), TARJA (f), JANIS (f) nascuti/born ~01.07.2016, deparazitati, invatati la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
Din curtea blocului direct in puf, cele 3 mini-staruri isi cauta familii care sa ii alinte si sa ii iubeasca. LEMMY este exploratorul grupului, mereu curios si dornic de noi descoperiri. TARJA este un ghem de energie, care te binedispune in fiecare zi cu cheful ei de joaca. JANIS, desi un pic mai timida decat fratiorii ei, te va cuceri in mod sigur cu gingasia ei.

Ca niste adevarate staruri, toti 3 adora sa fie admirati si stiu cum sa te faca sa devi fanul lor din primele 5 minute. Daca deja v-au cucerit, asteptam sa ne scrieti la CAMERACUPISICI@GMAIL.COM sau sa ii ajutati dand SHARE povestii lor.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Cei 7 PiSici pentru adoptie | the 7 dwarfs..ehhm..kittens for adoption

(EN below) nascuti/born ~17.05.2016, deparazitati,vaccinati, invatati la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
Cei 7 au fost gasiti intr-o punga legata bine, aruncati la ghena, cand aveau abia 5-6 zile. Au fost hraniti cu biberonul, au trecut prin momente dificile, cand am crezut ca nu toti vor rezista, dar micutii sunt niste luptatori, si au reusit sa creasca si sa se transforme in niste pisoiasi minunati, cu personalitati diferite, dar cu aceeasi dragoste imensa pentru oameni, alint si dragaleala. Acum Barbie, Minmin, Alexandra, Tomtom, Plush, Monki si Charlie  isi cauta familii definitive, pe care sa le inveseleasca cu dragalasenia lor.
The 7 siblings were found in a plastic bag, thrown in a garbage bin, when they were only 5-6 days old. We fed them special babycat milk for a few weeks every 3-4 hours, they've been through ups and downs and we thought at some point that not all of them will make it, but our little guys proved to be real fighters and never gave up. Now Barbie, Minmin, Alexandra, Tomtom, Plush, Monki and Charlie are all looking for forever homes where they can make their families happy every single day.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


(EN below) KAPUSTKA (f) nascuta/born ~20.04.2016, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
KAPUSTKA este o minunatie de pisica, tandra si cuminte si peste poate atasata de oameni. Era murdara si slaba cand am gasit-o, dar atat de tare s-a bucurat ca am bagat-o in seama, incat a venit cu codita in sus si a sarit direct in brate. Ajunsa in casa a mancat pana a obosit si s-a culcat pe o paturica langa pat. E jucausa si vesela, dar pentru un pui de pisica de varsta ei este foarte cuminte. Acum isi cauta o familie, cu care sa isi petreaca retul vietii.
KAPUSTKA is an adorable kitten, she is playful, loving and really attached to humans. She was dirty and all skin and bones when we found her, but as soon as she heard us calling her she came running with her little tail in the air. She is now looking for a forever home, where she can love and be loved for the rest of her life.

Monday, July 11, 2016


(EN below) GABRIELA (f) nascuta/born ~01.05.2016, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
GABRIELA este o mogaldeata adorabila, care, desi pare de jucarie, este plina de energie si de dragoste. Cand am gasit-o, pentru ca era noapte si ea era singura sub o masina, a fost circumspecta, si nu a avut curajul sa vina din prima la noi, dar foamea a invins si cand a simtit mirosul pliculetului s-a incumetat. Ajunsa in casa a stiut din prima ca e in siguranta, a inspectat camera si s-a decis ca cel mai bine se doarme pe canapea, unde a si cazut rapusa si de unde nu s-a miscat pana dimineata, cand odihnita si cu forte proaspete a infulecat micul dejun. Acum Gabriela isi cauta o canapea doar a ei, unde sa doarma, sa se joaca si sa se alinte.
GABRIELA might look like a toy cat, but she is a little love bomb. When we found her, late at night, under a car, she was kind of skeptical about our intentions, but her hunger was stronger then her fear so she came out to eat and we caught her and took her home. As soon as she saw herself inside the house, of course after inspecting every corner, she decided the couch was the best place to sleep and she slept like a rock until morning when breakfast was served. So now Gabriela is looking for her own couch, where she can sleep and play and make her dreams of a family come true. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

GHOST & NYMERIA pisoiasi pentru adoptie | kittens for adoption

(EN below) GHOST (M) & NYMERIA (F) nascuti/born ~01.03.2016, deparazitati, vaccinati, invatati la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
GHOST & NYMERIA sunt doi pisoi minunati, care, desi nu sunt frati, se completeaza perfect. El alb cu ochii albastri si calzi, la fel cum ii este si firea, iar ea neagra cu ochii sasii, o zapacita vesela si plina de viata. Impreuna, el o tempereaza pe ea, iar ea i-a aratat lui cum sta treaba cu jocul si cu alintul (pentru ca inital Ghost era un mare sperios). Isi fac viata mai frumoasa unul altuia, asa ca ar fi mare pacat sa fie despartiti, iar noi garantam ca cei doi va vor inveseli si voua viata.
GHOST & NYMERIA are two magical kittens with a wonderful story. They're not related, but they complete each other perfectly. He is white and has the most beautiful mellow blue eyes, just like his temper, she is pitch black and cross eyed, a crazy little ball of fur always ready to play and purr. Together they're the ideal team, he calms her down and she showed him how to play and to trust humans (Ghost was a scaredy-cat at first). It would be a shame to split these two beauties up, so we're looking for a furrrrever home for them, where they can live together for the rest of their meows.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


(EN below) LENA(F) nascut/born ~20.03.2016, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
LENA este o minunatie mica de pisica, este vesela si foarte jucausa, dar se topeste cand e luata in brate si toarce si se alinta de mama focului. Desi e mititica, stie cum sta traba cu litiera si s-a adaptat minuant la viata in apartament. Adoptati-o si nicio zi de acum incolo nu va mai fi lipsita de tors, joaca si alint.
LENA is a small miracle, she is joyful and playful and a true treasure to have around. She loves to cuddle and she learned really fast what the litter box is all about and how life in an apartment is. By adopting Lena you have the guarantee of a joyful life filled with love and cuddles.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


(EN below) PIÑIATA (M) nascut/born ~ 2014-2015, deparazitat, sterilizat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, neutered, litterbox trained

PIÑIATA a fost gasit de o vecina in drumul ei spre casa, era atat de dornic sa fie luat in brate si bagat in seama incat se tinea dupa oameni miunand. Este sterilizat si cum a intrat in casa a fugit la litiera, ceea ce ne face sa credeam ca este ori pierdut ori abandonat. Se intelege bine atat cu pisici, cat si cu caini(pe ai nostri i-a pupat drept in bot cand i-a intalnit). Avand in vedere ca este complet alb mai putin coada, pe care o are neagra, ne-am gandit ca poate fi botezat PIÑIATA, dar cand il alintam ii zicem Whitey. Ajutati-l sa isi gaseasca o familie definitiva, dand SHARE povestii lui.
He's called PIÑIATA because he's all white except for the tail, that's black, but close friends call him Whitey. He was found wondering the streets, following everyone around, asking to be taken home. He is really gentle and loving, was already neutered when we found him and litteraly ran to the litterbox once he was inside, so we suppose he was either lost or abandoned not so long ago. Please help hi find a forever home by shareing his story.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


(EN below) PUKA(F) nascut/born ~01.11.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
PUKA este o puiuta, nu doar extrem de frumoasa, dar si foarte iubareata, jucausa si torcacioasa. E pisica ideala: energica si plina de viata, dar care nu ar refuza niciodata o sesiune de tors si alintat. Ii place nespus de mult sa doarma in brate si sa fie mangaiata pe burtica si sub gusa. Nu e un pui extrem de agitat, asa ca nu ar avea probleme sa stea mai multe ore singura in casa, si-ar gasi ea sigur ceva cu care sa isi petreaca timpul, fara a face stricaciuni.
PUKA is an adorable little girl. She loves to play and run around just as much as she enjoys being pampered, petted and kissed. She purrs of joy when getting a belly rub and loves to sleep hours on end in your lap. Even though she is still young, she is not the damaging kind, she can play by herself in the house, while alone, without breaking anything. She is just the perfect cat.

Monday, February 8, 2016

BARBARA pisica pentru adoptie | cat for adoption

BARBARA (f), nascut ~ 2009-2010, deparazitata, invatat la litiera, sterilizata
Barbara a fost preluata din strada impreuna cu puii ei in luna septembrie 2012. Initial a parut a fi o pisica agresiva si speriata, care nu va capata niciodata incredere in oameni. Dupa ce a petrecut, insa, toata iarna in casa(era pra fig sa o eliberam inapoi in teritoriu avand in vedere ca o luasem cand inca era cald afara)Barbara s-a acomodat perfect cu viata de apartament si a inceput chiar sa se bucure de mangaieri si alint, ba mai mult, a invatat si sa se joace. Mai are de invatat cum sta treaba cu increderea in oameni, insa este pe drumul cel bun, iar orice pisica care evolueaza atat de frumos, merita o sansa la o viata mai buna.
Barabara was taken from the street together with her kittens in September 2012. Initially she was really scared and aggressive and we thought she will never get to trust humans. When all her kittens were adopted it was really cold outside so we decided to keep her until the weather got better and then put her back into territory, but than it happened she started enjoying life in the apartment and also starting playing, purring and accepting to be caressed. She is still learning to accept humans and live amopng them, but she has come a long way so we think she deserves the chance to a better life!

Friday, February 5, 2016


(EN below) MIA (F) nascuta/born ~15.04.2015, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
MIA e delicata si moale si are cea mai fina blanita. Se cuibareste cand o mangai, se joaca atunci cand e rost de joaca. Are urechile mari, ca sa te auda mai bine si ochii mari ca sa te vada mai bine si inima mare, ca sa te iubeasca daca o primesti in familie.
MIA is a delicate and mellow kitten, with the softest fur. The cuddles when you pet her and plays when it's time to play. She has big ears to hear you better, big eyes to see you better and a big heart to love you more if you take her home.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


MAGNETO (M), nascut/born ~ 15.08.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera/ dewormed, vaccinated, litter box trained.
MAGNETO a fost adoptat de la noi in octombrie 2015, cand era de-o schioapa, a fost alintat si dragalit, dar, din pacate stapana lui s-a imbolnavit si i-a fost imposibil sa il mai tina, asa ca s-a intors la noi. Este un pui foarte alintat si jucaus, energic ca orice pisica de varsta lui si cu spirit de mare aventurier. Se intelege bine cu cateii blanzi cu pisicile, chiar e curios si s-ar juca cu ei si cu jucariile lor colorate. Cel mai mult ii place undita cu pene in varf si sa priveasca porumbeii pe geam. Magneto isi cauta o familie care sa il iubeasca si sa nu il mai paraseasca niciodata.
MAGNETO was adopted in october 2015, when he was just a few months old, sadly he had to be returned to us do to an illness his former owner developed recently.  He is, like all young cats, playful, energetic and very inquisitive. He also gets along fine with dogs (who get along with cats). He would love to get adopted by someone who will cherish him for the rest of his life.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


RHYS (M) născut/born ~15.06.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, învățat la litieră | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
Numele meu este RHYS și un motanel care stie ce vrea. Am vazut repede ca viata pe strada nu este prea frumoasa, asa ca m-am imprietenit repede cu catelusa unei voluntare si m-am tinut dupa ele pana acasa. Din pacate eram putin racit asa ca prima vizita a fost la cabinetul veterinar unde am stat internat cateva saptamani. Dar acum m-am facut bine, sunt foarte dornic de joaca si de alint si de abia astept sa iti devin cel mai bun prieten. Ce zici, nu-i asa ca te-am convins sa ma iei acasa?
RHYS is my name and I'm a tomcat who knows what he wants. Having rapidly understood that street life is nothing like what they say it is, I befriended a volunteer's dog and followed them home. Sadly, I was slightly sick at the time, therefore my first visit was to the vet's where I was interned for a couple of weeks. Now, though, I've gotten better and, playful and attention seeker as I am, I can barely wait to become your best friend in the whole wide world. What do you say, was it enough to convince you?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


(EN below) BOOBOO(M) nascut/born ~01.08.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
BOOBOO este un motanel putin timid, care, desi e jucaus si foarte energic, are mici retineri cand vine vorba de increderea in oameni. Nu stim ce evenimente neplacute din viata lui pe strada l-au facut sa isi piarda increderea, insa, micutul face pasi mari catre imprietenire. Deja vina in fuga, cu codita in sus, cand ii dam de mancare si fuge ca nebunul dupa jucaria pe undita si chiar se aventureaza pe langa ceilalti pisoi, cand acestia stau si torc in brate. Chiar daca este inca putin timorat, intr-o noua casa, unde va fi in centrul atentiei, Boo probabil va deveni repede un pisoi alintat si torcator. Cine ii ofera o sansa?
BOOBOO is a shy little tom. We don't know what his life on the street was like until we found him, but it's clear humans were not his best friends. He is playfull and lively like any kitten, he just needs a bit more time in order to start trusting people. With a family of his own, where he will be loved and pampered he will rapidly learn the perks of being a tame cat and of loving humans.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


(EN below) HOUDINI (M) nascut/born ~25.03.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
HOUDINI este un mic magician. Nu stim exact cum, pentru ca nu a vrut sa ne destainuie din secretele sale, dar Houdini a reusit sa evadeze in prima zi la noi, de doua ori dintr-o cusca si o data dintr-un transportor(in drum spre veterinar). In loc de bagheta magica isi foloseste codita, care are varful alb, iar cand nu isi exerseaza trucurile magice se joaca, se alinta si doarme in cele mai ciudate pozitii. Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca v-a vrajit!
HOUDINI is our little magician. We don't know how he did it, because he did not want to share this secret with us, but the first day here he managed to escape twice out of a cage and once out of a cat carrier(onn the way to the vet). He uses his tail, with it's white tip, as a magic wand, and when he's not practicing his skills he loves playing, cuddling and sleeping in the weirdest poses. Just so you know, he'll have you under his spell in a jiffy!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


VADER (M), nascut/born ~ 2014, deparazitat, invatat la litiera, / dewormed, litter box trained,  

Pe VADER l-am gasit in beciul unei case unde se tarase cu ultimele forte si astepta sa moara, avea larve si viermi pe fata, care il mancau de viu si abia putea respira. Sansele de supravietuire, ce i-au fost date la internare erau minime, dar dupa luni de tratament perfuzabil si de incubator, Vader a invins moartea. Asa arata el acum, complet refacut, mancacios si somnoros si foarte cuminte. Este inca putin timid cu oamenii necunoscuti, dar are foarte multa dragoste ade oferit si ar merita o familie care sa il iubesca si sa il fca sa uite de toata suferinta indurata.
VADER was more dead than alive when we found him, he had slim chances of survival, his face was covedered in worms and larvae and he could not breathe. After months of treatment this is how he looks now completely cured and happy. All he needs now is a home and a familiy to love him and to give a beautiful ending to his story.

Vader cand l-am gasit | Vader when we found him 

Eu sunt VADER..
Eu sunt VADER, mi se zice asa pt ca abia pot resipira, ma doare de fiecare data cand trag aer in piept, imi curg ochii si am o infectie nazala atat de mare, incat, atunci cand am fost gasit, aveam viermi si larve pe intreaga fata, care ma mancau de viu. Nu stiu daca voi supravietui cat sa ma bucur de o viata normala, dar sper si lupt si desi nu am incredere in oameni, nu ma opun niciunui tratament.-------------Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniti in acoperirea costurilor de internare si tratament pentru VADER, o puteti face donând direct la cabinetul Vet Medical Consulting (Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect. 2, Bucuresti L-V: 10-20, S: 10-18, D: 10-13) sau ne puteți trimite un email la: pentru mai multe detalii. Mulțumim anticipat pentru orice fel de ajutor!
Posted by Camera cu Pisici - The Cat Room on Monday, September 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


(EN below) SUZY (F) nascuta/born ~01. 2014, sterilizata, deparazitata, vaccinata, invatata la litiera | neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
Ma cheama Suzy si sunt in cautarea unei casute permanente de mai bine de un an. Sunt putin trista pentru ca lumea nu prea ma vrea din cauza varstei - am aproximativ doi ani, iar multi vor sa adopte doar pui. Dar si eu am multa dragoste de oferit, plus ca sunt tare cuminte, educata, stiu sa ma si joc, nu zgarii. Sunt deparazitata, vaccinata, sterilizata si imi place mult sa fiu alintata, desi sunt un pic timida. Dar doar la inceput pana capat incredere.
Mi-as dori o familie unde sa fiu primita cu bratele deschise si cu multa dragoste. Promit sa devenim prieteni buni.
Astept cererile voastre cu mare interes!
Va meowltumesc pentru share!
My name is Suzy and I have been searching for a permanent home for over a year now. I'm a little bit sad because people do not really want me because I am not a kitten anymore. I am about two years old, but I have sooo much love to offer. I am such a sweet girl, I know how to play, and guess what? I won't scratch you. I am dewormed, vaccinated, and, of course, neutered. I love to be spoiled, although at the beginning I may be a little bit shy. I am craving for a loving family. I would be eternally grateful if you welcomed me with open arms and lots of love. I promise to become good friends. Waiting for your requests with great interest! Please, share my story!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


(EN below) PONGO(M) nascut/born ~05.07.2015, deparazitat, vaccinata, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
PONGO s-a hotarat intr-o zi sa mearga in mall, dar nu ca sa isi ia o geaca e iarna sau pantaloni de ski, nu, Pongo s-a dus in mall sa isi caute familie. Nu avea nici bani la el si nici nu stia ca pisicii nu au voie in mall, asa ca a gresit cand s-a alintat pe langa un bodyguard, care, cum l-a vazut, l-a escortat amabil catre iesire. Atunci l-am intalnit noi si, desi venisem la cumparaturi, ne-am intors cu o punga cu pisica gratis acasa din mall. Acum Pongo a inceput sa isi caute o familie, de data asta pe internet, si nu in centre comerciale.
PONGO one day decided to find a family, realising life on the streets wasn't for him. He had no money, but had heard great things about going to the mall, so that is where he went to find himself a family. Being a cat, he did not know that cats are not allowed in malls, so a nice boyguard was just escorting him out, as we were ariving. Even though we had planned on doing some shopping, we came home ith a free cat in a bag, that is now looking for a forever home.


(EN below) ZEPPE (M) nascut/born ~01.05.2015, deparazitat, vaccinat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
ZEPPE este un pisoi zbanghiu si zglobiu, care iti aduce zambetul pe buze. Desi atunci cand a fost gasit era atat de racit incat avea ochii lipiti si abia putea respira, dupa ce si-a revenit Zeppe a inceput sa se bucure de viata si sa ii bucure, cu zburdalnicia lui, pe toti cei care il vad. Din programul sau zilnic fac acum parte: alergatul zgubilitic dupa mingiute zornaitoare, zapacirea adversarului (adica a celorlalti pisici mici din Camera), parkour zurliu din balcon pana in copacelul de pisici si inapoi si torsul zgomotos in brate.
ZEPPE is a happy and playful cat. He was really sic when we found him, but as soon as he got better he started enjoying life. He is really energetic, but he also loves to take breaks from all that palying in order to receive a good belly rub, to purr and show how much of a spoiled little cat he really is.

Monday, January 4, 2016


(EN below) MEDALION (F) nascut/born ~25.03.2015, deparazitat, vaccinata, sterilizata, invatat la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, litterbox trained
MEDALION este o pisicuta extrem de tandra si de iubitoare, cu miscari gratioase de felina, dar care toarce ca o drujba cand este mangaiata si alintata. Nu stim care este istoria ei, cand am gasit-o noi se tinea dupa toti oamenii care o bagau in seama si cerea atentie. Nu am putut sa o dezamagim si sa o lasam acolo, mai ales pentru ca parea o pisicuta crecuta in casa fara sanse mari de supravieturile pe strada.
MEDALION is an extremely gentle and loving kitten. She moves like a real feline, but purrs like a tractor. She loves the presence and company of humans and seems to enjoy a good belly rub. We found her wondering the streets tailing any person who would pay her bit of attention. We just couldn't leave her there so we took her home, where she fit in like she'd always lived there.


(EN below) MĂRU (M) nascut/born ~15.03.2015, deparazitat, invatat la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained

MĂRU, zis si "Fața turtită", este un motan tanar, prietenos si foarte alintat. Cand nu e in brate la tors si facut cozonacei, alearga mingiute prin casa sau sta pe pervaz si urmareste vrabiutele din copacul din fata geamului, care parca ii fac in ciuda! Le zice el in miuneza ca nu e frumos sa se zbantuie in fata unui pradator, dar ele nu il baga in seama, pe semne ca si-au dat seama ca e un iubitor, nu un luptator. Asa ca isi cauta o familie pe care sa o copleseasca cu iubire, din care are cat cuprinde sub blanita lui catifelata.
 MĂRU aka "Flat-face" is a playful and very loving young male. When he's not purring and giving cat massages, he's either playing with toys around the house or sitting on the window sill mewing at the birds from  the tree outside the window. He keeps telling them it's not polite to fidget in front of such great predator, but they completely ignore him, as they already know he's a lover, not a fighter. All he needs now is to find a family, to share his love with.