Monday, July 11, 2016


(EN below) GABRIELA (f) nascuta/born ~01.05.2016, deparazitata, invatata la litiera | dewormed, litterbox trained
GABRIELA este o mogaldeata adorabila, care, desi pare de jucarie, este plina de energie si de dragoste. Cand am gasit-o, pentru ca era noapte si ea era singura sub o masina, a fost circumspecta, si nu a avut curajul sa vina din prima la noi, dar foamea a invins si cand a simtit mirosul pliculetului s-a incumetat. Ajunsa in casa a stiut din prima ca e in siguranta, a inspectat camera si s-a decis ca cel mai bine se doarme pe canapea, unde a si cazut rapusa si de unde nu s-a miscat pana dimineata, cand odihnita si cu forte proaspete a infulecat micul dejun. Acum Gabriela isi cauta o canapea doar a ei, unde sa doarma, sa se joaca si sa se alinte.
GABRIELA might look like a toy cat, but she is a little love bomb. When we found her, late at night, under a car, she was kind of skeptical about our intentions, but her hunger was stronger then her fear so she came out to eat and we caught her and took her home. As soon as she saw herself inside the house, of course after inspecting every corner, she decided the couch was the best place to sleep and she slept like a rock until morning when breakfast was served. So now Gabriela is looking for her own couch, where she can sleep and play and make her dreams of a family come true. 

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